Can i pin always the same site without long term problems?


New member
noob question here, for people who pin frequently. i like pinning my left quad, i found that it is by far the easyest and most manageble spot to pin, but i was thinking can i pin always the same site without having some sort of sides long term in the area? i don't know maybe some absurd stuff like having my left quad developed more than the other long term thanks to the test always injected there? i know it may sound really retarded but it's bugging me and i wanna know if i'm safe pinning in the same spot always or should i at least alternate quads... thanks
Pinning a muscle doesn't make the muscle grow more than other muscles. The AAS gets into your blood stream and is carried throughout your body.

The issue with pinning the same spot everytime is that you will build up scar tissue there fast. And it may have not recovered from the previous injection. In part it depends on how frequently you are pinning and how much volume.

Personally I use the quads, delts and ventroglutes. So six sites. I pin twice a week typically. So I have three weeks of "rest" before I pin a site again. In general, the more rest you can give the better. Learn how to pin other sites.
Welcome to the board. Now I'm gonna see what Simple Simon would say about building up scare tissue because I keep stabbing this site and the pain and effects tough scare tissue my be regarding absorption. If you are going to be involved with injecting AAS then you need to rotate sites. Shoulders, chest (pecs ) glutes, quads, calves and a few.

There are articles about injections and injecting sites you need to do more research. You should read ALL the sticky threads seen where you came in to post.

Can we ask for your complete stats:
history training
cycles ?and this compete cycle ?

Oh you leg will not get bigger just maybe swollen at the site.
Pinning a muscle doesn't make the muscle grow more than other muscles. The AAS gets into your blood stream and is carried throughout your body.

The issue with pinning the same spot everytime is that you will build up scar tissue there fast. And it may have not recovered from the previous injection. In part it depends on how frequently you are pinning and how much volume.

Personally I use the quads, delts and ventroglutes. So six sites. I pin twice a week typically. So I have three weeks of "rest" before I pin a site again. In general, the more rest you can give the better. Learn how to pin other sites.

for now i'm doing 250 tes E once a week. i only inject as a base to run anavar at moderate/hig doeses and from whati i'm seeing so far i will probably stick with this kind of cycle for the future. so i guess i should at least try to alternate quads than.

by the way out of curiuosity what is the problem with the scar tissue building you was talking about? can you explain it further?
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Welcome to the board. Now I'm gonna see what Simple Simon would say about building up scare tissue because I keep stabbing this site and the pain and effects tough scare tissue my be regarding absorption. If you are going to be involved with injecting AAS then you need to rotate sites. Shoulders, chest (pecs ) glutes, quads, calves and a few.

There are articles about injections and injecting sites you need to do more research. You should read ALL the sticky threads seen where you came in to post.

Can we ask for your complete stats:
history training
cycles ?and this compete cycle ?

Oh you leg will not get bigger just maybe swollen at the site.

ahahhaa hi mike you obviusly don't remember me but we talked before . you can find everything you asked in my "first cycle thread" in wich you have also replyed.

anyway if anyone here is too lazy to find the thread i will re post my stats here again no prob

age: 26
wt: 195 at the momentr
ht: 6,0
bf: aronud 10-11% at the moment
history training : always trained but "seriusly" this is my 6th year. 5 years as a natty prior

this is my first cycle

complete cycle is

8 weeks long : test E 250 1 x week , anavar 80 mg ed, clen 40 mg ed for a week rotating with ECA 75 ed the week after, than repeat. i integrate with 3mg of taurine ed.

pct is nolva 50 Ed and clomid 40 ed . i don't think i will go over a week with them

i'm courrently in the mid of the cycle ( exactly halfway in fact, this monday was my 4th pin )
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Scar tissue means that you simply won't be able to pin there any more, and can even interfere with neighboring tissues. Every time you cut your body with that little knife, it has to heal - if you don't allow it enough time to heal all the way, it will "toughen" to prevent it from being cut so easily in the future.

There's a spot in my right quad (I too preferred it, and didn't know better) that's about the size of a quarter which I can no longer pass a needle through. It feels like cork (or stale cheese), and I know immediately if I hit it. I've "manned through" it before, and damn near broke the plunger (I did bend the pin) trying to get the oil in.

Just learn how to rotate, and you'll find life is much easier. This is especially important if you plan on staying with this lifestyle long enough, as TRT is inevitable after long enough time, which makes it for life.

My .02c :)
Scar tissue means that you simply won't be able to pin there any more, and can even interfere with neighboring tissues. Every time you cut your body with that little knife, it has to heal - if you don't allow it enough time to heal all the way, it will "toughen" to prevent it from being cut so easily in the future.

There's a spot in my right quad (I too preferred it, and didn't know better) that's about the size of a quarter which I can no longer pass a needle through. It feels like cork (or stale cheese), and I know immediately if I hit it. I've "manned through" it before, and damn near broke the plunger (I did bend the pin) trying to get the oil in.

Just learn how to rotate, and you'll find life is much easier. This is especially important if you plan on staying with this lifestyle long enough, as TRT is inevitable after long enough time, which makes it for life.

My .02c :)

damn....will do, thanks for the heads up
I have bent pin s on my upper glutes from those 3 cc pin s x 3 a week with 18 g 1.5 inch pins during that 38 month cycle from 84-88..Hard as a cinder block.

Now my contortionist day s are over and I do little girl cycle s...quads, delts 1 to 1.5 cc s max ---- repeat.