can I recover after months on cruise/trt?


New member

I'm 21 years old and many months ago, I started a cruise/trt of 300mg Test E per week, but I'm starting to regret this

not only because of some personal problems, but also because I don't want to inject till the day I die. it's stressful and a hassle

I also always have this paranoia thought in my mind "what if all Test E in the world runs out, what will you do?" and "what if you can't get ahold of more Test E, how u gonna survive?!" and shit like that

anyways, can I quit this and do PCT and fully recover?!
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I'm 21 years old and many months ago, I started a cruise/trt of 300mg Test E per week, but I'm starting to regret this

not only because of some personal problems, but also because I don't want to inject till the day I die. it's stressful and a hassle

I also always have this paranoia thought in my mind "what if all Test E in the world runs out, what will you do?" and "what if you can't get ahold of more Test E, how u gonna survive?!" and shit like that

anyways, can I quit this and do PCT and fully recover?!

Possibly. How long have you been on? You'll never know unless you try, and the sooner you try the better your chances of recovery.

Do you have a plan for it?
Have you used estrogen control?
Have you used and can you get HCG?
Can you get Noladex and/or Clomid?
Will you get labs taken? Even at your own cost? We can give you help getting them.

Those are all relevant questions. I'm on TRT due to medication side effects and believe me I worry about supply, legislation and in just about 2 years I'm sick and tired of it really. It does get old.

I'm 21 years old and many months ago, I started a cruise/trt of 300mg Test E per week, but I'm starting to regret this

not only because of some personal problems, but also because I don't want to inject till the day I die. it's stressful and a hassle

I also always have this paranoia thought in my mind "what if all Test E in the world runs out, what will you do?" and "what if you can't get ahold of more Test E, how u gonna survive?!" and shit like that

anyways, can I quit this and do PCT and fully recover?!

sure can. but not advisable for someone your age.

I'm 21 years old and many months ago, I started a cruise/trt of 300mg Test E per week, but I'm starting to regret this

not only because of some personal problems, but also because I don't want to inject till the day I die. it's stressful and a hassle

I also always have this paranoia thought in my mind "what if all Test E in the world runs out, what will you do?" and "what if you can't get ahold of more Test E, how u gonna survive?!" and shit like that

anyways, can I quit this and do PCT and fully recover?!

why did you get on trt to begin with?
With medical help, virtually all men can achieve physiologic levels of testosterone within 3 to 4 months of treatment. However, the response varies with baseline hormone levels and duration and dose of steroid use. Sperm production normalizes in 90% of men by one year.