Can I run Tren E?


New member
I'm 6'3" and unsure about my weight cuz its been fluctuating like crazy but Im in the 220-240 range, lean.

First cycle was test at 350/wk 10wks (i think)
Second cycle was sus at 500/wk for 10wks

Havnt had any problems cept a little acne on my arms from the second cycle
I'm 6'3" and unsure about my weight cuz its been fluctuating like crazy but Im in the 220-240 range, lean.

First cycle was test at 350/wk 10wks (i think)
Second cycle was sus at 500/wk for 10wks

Havnt had any problems cept a little acne on my arms from the second cycle

I have not done tren yet but I have some. The reason for this is it is a more advanced compound.

I did some research on this myself and decided for my 3rd cycle ( which I am on atm) to do test E, Deca, and Test prop ( prop is for kick and finish not throughout).

Tren has many many sides effect. Like it can crash your libido, so can deca so I figured that I would use deca 1st and see if a 1:1 test to deca ratio would keep the libido normal. So far so good.

Long in short what I am getting at is there are a lot of things you can experiment with before tren. You have only done testosterone so far, so you may want to try "milder" compounds 1st. I would suggest deca or EQ myself but of course I am bias.
I'm 6'3" and unsure about my weight cuz its been fluctuating like crazy but Im in the 220-240 range, lean.

First cycle was test at 350/wk 10wks (i think)
Second cycle was sus at 500/wk for 10wks

Havnt had any problems cept a little acne on my arms from the second cycle

what are you runing it with? I have many ppl runing tren higher than test with great results. If i were you i would rub tren a my first go at it. Youl know wether youre secitive to sides much faster than with the long enan ester. Also make sure youre taking caber to prevent any possible sides. Tren is awesome, one of my favs. I make a killer tne/tren blend, love running that. My mouth is watering lol
Lol mouth is watering. I figure I'd run Tren E and Test but idk which test would be the best to run with tren E. Even though tren is not test, I really doubt ill be sensitive to the sides because on my sus cycle i only got a bit of acne, nothing else at all. On my first cycle i got zero sides, that I noticed anyway
Lol mouth is watering. I figure I'd run Tren E and Test but idk which test would be the best to run with tren E. Even though tren is not test, I really doubt ill be sensitive to the sides because on my sus cycle i only got a bit of acne, nothing else at all. On my first cycle i got zero sides, that I noticed anyway
You're comparing apples to oranges bro. Sus which is just a blend af diff test esters is nothing like tren. I think you should do more research about the aas you're planning on using. As far as the kind of test to run. I would run a long ester like test e or cyp. And I would run tren ace not tren e. IMHO
Why run a long ester with Tren E/A? Im curious about that. And about how much could I gain if I ran Tren A with test for 10wks?