Can I safely supplement with creatine while on accutane?


New member
Hi All:

I am currently on my second dose of accutane. I refrained from using creatine during my first cycle but would like to use it if possible. I've read tons of forums, came across "its safe," "its not safe," and much more. I would just like an answer once and for all if its possible. I know different people willl be effected differently. Also, my multivitamin that I have always been taking has its main vitamin as vitamin A, know I, and many other accutane users know that ingesting additional vitamin while on accutane is not a good idea, however on the label its quanity reads 3500IU; how can I tell if this too much?

With Regards

That's a super low dose of vitamin A.
If you for some reason can't handle accutane
You may wanna try my supplement
"acnetame". Creatine can cause kidney issues at a high dose without enough water.
Taking a supplement like forged liver support is good because it contains NAC.
"also found in acnetame"
NAC is given by doctors in the hospital for liver and kidney issues.
It is fine. However accutane itself can be "dangerous" in large doses so try and stay as low as possible if you can.
It is fine. However accutane itself can be "dangerous" in large doses so try and stay as low as possible if you can.

I feel ANYDOSE is dangerous.
the fact this shits still bein sold boggles my mind.
you eve see on of those tv ads from a lawyer statign somthing like this:

"if you or a love you you know have taken ***** and sufferd an adveres effect, or death call us now so we can get you the money your deserve"
and them beign recalled or relabeled.
well there now oen for accutaine.

but i knew thi shi was bad logn ago.
no way is there any acne worht this even pus fillled bloodyy cysts I rather have then get scars fromt hem then use this accutane.
there are stong anti-biotics that yes may be hard on body also but NOT to the level of accutain.
i mean sides from accutain may coem to you YEARS after you stop so dont count yourself lucky just because you used it a few months ago or last year and yoru fine.
I've been an accutane victim myself so I hear you. It caused me some serious internal problems at the young age of 16. It worked miracles on my skin though.
Anti-biotics are a shitty option.
Over time they will lose effectiveness or

Even makes acne worse for some. It kills the good bacteria and also makes you resistant to anti-biotics in the future.
Overall is a terrible option.
Acnetame is safe supplement to help with your acne issues.
I will post my write up.
Hi All:

I am currently on my second dose of accutane. I refrained from using creatine during my first cycle but would like to use it if possible. I've read tons of forums, came across "its safe," "its not safe," and much more. I would just like an answer once and for all if its possible. I know different people willl be effected differently. Also, my multivitamin that I have always been taking has its main vitamin as vitamin A, know I, and many other accutane users know that ingesting additional vitamin while on accutane is not a good idea, however on the label its quanity reads 3500IU; how can I tell if this too much?

With Regards

Accutane can raise your triglyceride levels to dangerous levels, that's why bulking is probably a bad, unless you do it very cleanly. However, it doesn't do that to some people. I would recommend some milk thistle to help counteract the pounding Accutane gives your liver.
Accutane can raise your triglyceride levels to dangerous levels, that's why bulking is probably a bad, unless you do it very cleanly. However, it doesn't do that to some people. I would recommend some milk thistle to help counteract the pounding Accutane gives your liver.

I wish I had researched stuff before derma never told me that accutane could be harsh on your liver. I got blackout drunk a few times while on it. I was paranoid about my liver afterwards.