can i skip my pct?


New member
I finished my first cyle over 2 weeks ago( sust @ 500mg/week, 10 weeks)...the gear was purchased by myself in bangkok, looks 100% legit, every reason to believe it was real.

however after using it i really have my big increase in strength..i think the weight i put on and the small increase in strenght was dues to the massive increase in calories i was taking. I also had no side effects such as acne, small balls, no signs of gyno or water retention or high blood pressure etc...

anyway im just about due to start my post cycle therapy (pct) but i feel 100%, no loss in strenght, deffo no loss in sex drive so i was thinking that considering all this i mite drop the post cycle therapy (pct) as i think the gear was fake and also i dont have a big supply of clomid, its difficult for me to get and i could do with hanging on to it for future cycles(with real gear!)

any opinions from people with more knowledge than me on this? thanks.
If all this is true then your gear was bunk. Wait one more week cause we are talking about sust here and if everything still feels the same, skip post cycle therapy (pct) and save yourself some money.
I dunno dog I would definitely still take it. Crashing from gear sucks if indeed your gear was real. I got locked up for some dumbass domestic BS in the middle of a test/deca cycle and I hate to say it but you dont know me so ill say it but my nuts aren't the same since nor is my sex drive or the acne on my back.
I would do the post cycle therapy (pct) anyway. it cant hurt to buy a little insurance. post cycle therapy (pct) meds are typically dirt cheap anyway.
blackjack said:
I would do the post cycle therapy (pct) anyway. it cant hurt to buy a little insurance. post cycle therapy (pct) meds are typically dirt cheap anyway.

agreed, do the post cycle therapy (pct). strange though that you didn't notice much from a 500 of you increased cal intake??? does sound like bunk gear to me.
No fucking way would I skip the clomid. If you had fake gear and use clomid anyway, no big deal. But skipping post cycle therapy (pct) when your HPTA has been shut down is a train wreck.
ok so ive taken the advice on board! Yesterday was my 1st day of clomid @100mgs, i woke up this morning with about 30 small red spots covering my upper arms and back! before this i had fuck all, 2 small ones at most! this shit is just that, shit!!will they go after the clomid cycle is over? Im afriad this is just the start of things to come...
i think people overdose clomid..people taking 300mg on day 1 etc...
im guessing that day 1 and 2 @100mgs and the remainder at 50-75mg/day for 3-4weeks. How does this sound to everyone? I know some cycles tale more to recover from than others but i think this is ok for a typical 1st time test only cycle??