Can Nandrolone can cause side effects effecting my lungs?

So, I had coughing problems (dry cough) for a year, and went to every doctor and no one could help me, if was off gear then but I cycled deca in my prev cycle.

Now i began cutting and use 150 MG npp EW, then i went bulking and upped my NPP dose and now I got the same cough, and im really afraid its going to last a year again, can Nandrolone cause such a thing?
It not after injecting but during the whole day, its a really bad dry cough what makes bulking really hard and its affecting my social life.

hope u guys can help me, i have it almost 2 weeks now
Not to scare you, but have them run a ckg. Make your your dry cough, is not fluids on your lungs from heart problems. Better safe then sorry. It takes longer to get hooked up to machine, then the actual test.
I am confused. You had the cough for a year while not running anything? And now you have a cough again and want to know if deca is causing it?

Are you running anything else with the Deca? Have you checked your estradiol and Prolactin levels? How is your hematocrit?
You know what I'm going through the same thing. I have been caughing up flem and such for the past four months I have been on it DECA. I have found that if you don't go deep enough into a muscle it makes it worse for some reason. Although I'm not sure if its another underlying factor.
I am confused. You had the cough for a year while not running anything? And now you have a cough again and want to know if deca is causing it?

Are you running anything else with the Deca? Have you checked your estradiol and Prolactin levels? How is your hematocrit?

I used 500 test and 400 deca, stopped with it and then after a long time off got the cough, now im running 500 mg test and around 800 mg NPP and got it again (almost 2 weeks)
Going to test bloodwork monday, what should i test? the doctor said its a virus what many people now have, before that i had stomach problems and diarree, it disapeared and the cough began.

really scared that this is going to last long, i never found 1 result on google of people coughing on steriods (accept after injection)
I am confused. You had the cough for a year while not running anything? And now you have a cough again and want to know if deca is causing it?

Are you running anything else with the Deca? Have you checked your estradiol and Prolactin levels? How is your hematocrit?

I used 500 test and 400 deca, stopped with it and then after a long time off got the cough, now im running 500 mg test and around 800 mg NPP and got it again (almost 2 weeks)
Going to test bloodwork monday, what should i test? the doctor said its a virus what many people now have, before that i had stomach problems and diarree, it disapeared and the cough began.

really scared that this is going to last long, i never found 1 result on google of people coughing on steriods (accept after injection)
You know what I'm going through the same thing. I have been caughing up flem and such for the past four months I have been on it DECA. I have found that if you don't go deep enough into a muscle it makes it worse for some reason. Although I'm not sure if its another underlying factor.

Dunno, I did 150 mg NPP on my cut and injected the same way as now and had no problems..
Sounds like it has nothing to do with the deca. Like you said, the cough first appeared when you werent even running deca.

Are you taking any other medications? Certain medications list dry cough as a side effect.
Sounds like it has nothing to do with the deca. Like you said, the cough first appeared when you werent even running deca.

Are you taking any other medications? Certain medications list dry cough as a side effect.

No nothing, only caffeine and ephedrine, but i stopped with that. My little brother is coughing to now, but Im a bit scared, coughing for such a long time really changed my life in a negative way
No, AI , i have aromasin home, but every time i use it i get bad acne a couple of days after, I also hold little water to none and have no estrogen or prolactine side effects

I will bet you a lot of money that your estradiol is high on that much test and deca. Can you post your on cycle blood work please? Just so you know, a common side effect of high estradiol is edema. This could be causing your cough possibly.
I will bet you a lot of money that your estradiol is high on that much test and deca. Can you post your on cycle blood work please? Just so you know, a common side effect of high estradiol is edema. This could be causing your cough possibly.

I'm with Mega on this; I thought I had the same problem on tren. Yes I would get the classic cough my lungs up on some inj. but I would have a constant flem or drainage like feeling any type of exercise or even laughing too hard would throw me into a coughing fit. Got my e2 down to 45(still a little high and problem is gone)

I also didn't "feel" any estrogen sides, only my bloods convinced me.... well that and Mega noticing acne on my chest/shoulders in a picture...ass
-very lean/hard/dry
-libido was high
-felt mentally stable haha
-BP normal

Only thing was gyno pre-existing though.
and acne which I thought was from the tren/orals as well
When you start coughing again. Take some Benadryl. You should stop coughing if it's an allergy. Takes about half hour to work. But taking Benadryl makes me tired.