New member
There is a guy at my gym who is by all definition kinda fat. Not extremely fat, but i would say fat enough not to take his shirt off at the beach so maybe 50lbs overweight or so (25% bodyfat or so). He has a potbelly and spaghetti arms, but his lower body is completely and absolutely shredded. I don't mean varicose veins, I mean completely healthy looking veins in his calves and thighs. Further, his skin is super thin on his legs so you can damn near see the striations in his quads. Now his legs aren't huge or anything matter of fact i would say they are average sized. My question is how the fuk does this happen?? Is it genetics? How can a person literally have 8% bf below their pelvis and 25% above it? I know i can't be the only person that has seen instances of this...can i?