Can this short cycle do any harm ??


New member
Hello everyone, I am 19 yrs old and had done a very mild dbol cycle for a week(7 days) with 20 mg dose daily and now I have realised that I am taking a big risk by doing this at such a young age.... So I wanna ask if I have already messed it up or I can go wothout a PCT and simply discontinue it.... Wil my testosterone levels be back ever??
are you male of female? you did a dbol cycle for 7 days??? oral only cycle for men is a no no. what in the world are you thinking? and your worried about doing it at age 19? you should be more worried about getting into aas without knowing a thing about it, you need to read up
your too young kid to get into this. they sell good beginners bras for men at JC Penny's now go get some.
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Get blood work and see if your HPTA has recovered. Compare the results to your pre-cycle baseline blood work. If your HPTA is still suppressed run PCT.
You'll probably recover without pct if it's only been a week. Next time wait till your older get a brain and add oil like S with a real thought out. Cycle and pct