Can you still make decent gains with a test e only cycle? (no dbol, or any other)


New member
Can a test e only cycle be beneficial?
OR should I stack it with other steroids for optimal results. This is my 2nd cycle by the way and i am 5'11 at about 9% body fat and weigh 190 lbs
Testosterone only Cycles are completely underrated....

As we get older our metabolism is constantly changing so is our sensitivity to hormones, we need to constantly adapt and listen to our bodies because it's constantly changing, we will truly never have things dialed in a hundred percent, there will always be room and the curve for learning something new, because our static system and internal switches never remain the same...
Test imo is the most beneficial part of a Cycle, ran alone or stacked you can make great great gains.
your gains will be predicated by your diet and training..a basic test e cycle will def show great gains if the former is on point
your gains will be predicated by your diet and training..a basic test e cycle will def show great gains if the former is on point

I a point. After years and years of training and as you reach a point in your physique, 500mg test per week will be a maintenenance dose. I wouldn't advocate anything other than test for the first 2-3 cycles. After that, maybe test and deca or maybe masteron. It kills me to see these kids jump on the tren train in their second cycle.
FOOD is the most anabolic thing you can introduce to a trained body.
Then rest.
Sex--free test booster-google it OP
Gear -gain s made w dose increases over 500 drop off where as unless ur a fatty u can train almost as much as u can..or I long as you feed the machine. I miss 3 day s of gorging I drop 3-4 pounds water=glycogen storage etc so yes u can gain if you train feed feed rest repeat.
U can stick all the after market power parts in a motor you shitty gas ur a loser
FOOD is the most anabolic thing you can introduce to a trained body.
Then rest.
Sex--free test booster-google it OP
Gear -gain s made w dose increases over 500 drop off where as unless ur a fatty u can train almost as much as u can..or I long as you feed the machine. I miss 3 day s of gorging I drop 3-4 pounds water=glycogen storage etc so yes u can gain if you train feed feed rest repeat.
U can stick all the after market power parts in a motor you shitty gas ur a loser

Ur last sentence is funny
I have to say the most gains I made was my first cycle which was test a 250(500mgs/wk) only 14 weeks.
In the following blasts I've seen changes in my physique made but as far as gains go, definantly my first cycle. Test ONLY!!
I a point. After years and years of training and as you reach a point in your physique, 500mg test per week will be a maintenenance dose. I wouldn't advocate anything other than test for the first 2-3 cycles. After that, maybe test and deca or maybe masteron. It kills me to see these kids jump on the tren train in their second cycle.
yes, there is a limit.. i agree.. but very few actually reach that limit
Im 22 y/o and took test e only and gained 18 pounds after 5 weeks, my diet is eating anything clean that i want so im gaining 1-1.5 pounds a week. start with just test and see how your body reacts. i have some older guys at my gym who cruise with test at 2-300 mg/wk and they are some buff 50 y/o guys.

a 22 year old guy whos cycling is hardly cut out to give out advice here. Think it over.