They do in Ontario. I run a healthy balance between my Doctor and other walk in clinics.
Start with a walk in clinic, have your "said" reason for why you wan't this done. (It is your right to know this information and have a copy) **Though try not to seem too pushy, it just delays what you want**
Your Doctor will do this for you no problem......especially in the beginning. It shows your trying to be responsible and knowledgeable. Now if you ask for the same thing too'll run into a crossroads where you can tell your doctor or avoid this by alternating walk in clinics.
If your seeing your Doctor regularly, there is a good chance he/she will know what your up to,(blood pressure, tests, appearance, etc) there not stupid. Just like people they can react differently based on there own beliefs and background.
The doctor is like a car mechanic, if you don't like him/her.... employ someone else.
This is easier done in bigger cities where they're a dime a dozen.