Cannot seem to lift heavy anymore


New member
The pain is holding me back

I feel as though I am approaching a dark place.......... Been training for almost 3 years now passionately, relentlessly. I come from having many injuries and fucked up posture and I have worked with chiros, physical therapists, massage therapists, stretching therapists... You name it. But I can't seem to get these injuries resolved. Despite all the side work I have been doing to correct them they seem to be getting worse as I succumb to the necessary increases in weight.

About 2 months ago I felt like I reached a peak, my strength was drastically increased and I was pain free. But since then my joints have all just started to feel FUCKED. I can't seem to go lift without some kind of joint/muscle pain or discomfort whether it's ankle, knee, calf, hamstring(strained it squatting tonight), wrist, shoulder(particularly front delt and traps) or upper pec around the coller bone.

I love the bodybuilding lifestyle now. This process of getting into the best shape of my life has undoubtedly made me the best man I have ever been. I'm stressed about the muscle/joint pains because it makes me feel like I'm going to have to give it up, am I just not cut out for this? If I keep pushing through this it feels like I'm going to be on my way to the ER in the next year or so.
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You need a training break - stop weight training for 2-3 weeks ; you wont lose much if any, but when you start lifting again you should find renewed joint comfort and vigor . I now do this every 3-4 months and it works .......I had mass training burnout & joint/muscle pain before. ~Bo
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I have dealt with the same thing for a year now. I love to train heavy and it was a major blow to my ego. The only way that I have been able to put on mass is every rep I will hold full contraction for 3-5 sec. I have been able to use a lot less weight and haven't had the severe tendinitis as before.
what are your current stats??


you have to get to the bottom of whats causing the injury and that could be a long list of things
It sounds pretty bad Winston. I used to get massive pain in my knees after squatting - this at one point go so bad it flared up all the time - even when walking. I eventually found that I was twisting my body slightly while squatting - once I stopped doing this the pain went away. Yours sounds a lot worse than anything I ever had but maybe try lowering the weight a bit and really concentrating on your form and see if it helps?
My body definitly does twist when I squat because my hips are out of alignment so I am getting adjusted regularly, what did you do to stop the twisting while squating? I try to focus in on it but I feel that I need more to reverse the twist.
I lowered the weight by a considerable amount (halved it) and had my friend who i trained with at the time and spotted the twist, really drill in the correct movement. I wasn't keeping my core tight enough and sometimes doing a sort of good morning movement and pushing out to one side a bit - i dont know how i didnt snap my shit at really heavy 1 rep weights.. It took a lot to get over the bad habbit i got into - using a mirror to practice without any weight on rest days and having a training partner who knows what they are doing while I trained helped me correct it. When I was confident my form was correct I was able to start upping the weight again slowly without pain.

Edit: Just an Idea - are you using any kind of strapping when you lift heavy? Your joints and soft tissue might not be strong enough for the big weight you are doing. Might be a good idea to try protecting your joints a little while lifting and see if this makes a difference over the long term.

I hope you find something that works out for you buddy.
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You could post both your training and your diet. We all tend to stagnate after a while as we fall into the trap of doing what is comfortable instead of what is necessary.