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New member
Hey everyone, first time on the forums and I'm looking to pick the brain of some of you pros. Currently I'm mulling over beginning a cut, I'm sitting at 235 pounds, 6'3 around 23% body fat. Over the past year and a half I've been able to drop from 300lbs. So the commitment to work and diet is there. I've got my workouts and macros set for the most part. However this process has been long and I'm looking to speed it up Anyway I can. My question is should I begin to cycle steroids? I've been looking into anavar, clenbuterol, and etc.
Are you tracking your macros?
What do your workouts looks like?
Are you still dropping weight?
As Milton suggested, start reading up. You'll find Anavar only cycles are a no go for men.
For now I'm comfortable suggesting an ECA stack to go along with your training. Clen is pretty harsh. How's your blood pressure?

i took a bf test and got all that info ran. The test informed me that I should maintain a 2800 calorie diet so I've been living at around 2000. Blood pressure is good. Right now I've been lifting 7 times a week. Cardio and core Monday and Friday morning. Legs Wednesday and Sunday morning. Shoulders Monday and Wednesday. Chest and triceps Tuesday-Thursday. Arm day Friday. I have been steady declining still. what sort of cycle would you recommend?
Yeah I've been tracking my macros. Right now I'm at an 800 cal deficit. sort of hit s wall in the weight loss but I'm almost to my goal weight wise. However I need to be shedding more body fat. I'm afraid my muscle is suffering. What cycle would you recommend? My blood pressure is good.
Yeah I've been tracking my macros. Right now I'm at an 800 cal deficit. sort of hit s wall in the weight loss but I'm almost to my goal weight wise. However I need to be shedding more body fat. I'm afraid my muscle is suffering. What cycle would you recommend? My blood pressure is good.

Your caloric deficit is much greater than 800 cal my friend. Right now you are starving yourself and most likely overtraining. You keep asking about cycles, but right now that isn't the answer. You need to tweak both training and diet, stay there for a bit and then think about a cycle.

I'm 6'2 235 and I don't workout as much as you. Granted I probably have more lean mass, but even still- my maintenance calories are at 3500/day. I eat at a caloric deficit to 2700 cal/day. You need more food.

What's macro split look like? How much protein are you getting daily?

How long have you been in the same training routine? Working out/lifting seven days a week is counter productive. You need more rest.

The bottom line is that, based on your training and diet, you aren't ready to cycle. My hat's off to you for your tremendous results so far, but you have much to learn about diet and exercise before you hop on gear. I know that's not the answer you're looking for, but it's the right answer. If you dial in those two elements your cycle will be exponentially more effective.
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Well said!

Op, if you run too high of caloric deficit, your body metabolism will slow and you will stall. As you have.

Been there, done that. That path leads to the Weight Rollercoaster. You are also over training. Muscles grow during rest. You need to rest.

You've proven your metal with the weight loss and gym time. Massage your diet and training schedule just a bit and you will be ready :-)

Read the stickies. Study. Get bloodwork done. Plan your cycle. Find quality gear. All that will take a while as you are tweaking your diet n training. It'll all come together nicely.

Keep us posted :-)
Thanks for e tips guys. Honestly you're all probably right. That's something I've heard before. I'm in the process of sitting down with the nutritionist on campus, I'm currently in college, so I can get my macros and diet down. Right now I consume at a minimum 250 g of protein a day. I've been training for about the whole summer. So 10 weeks like this. With the first week a few days off and the last week entirely off. I'll be sure to familiarize myself with the forums and get back to it. Is over training a serious concern? I try to give my body a day to recover. I'm on the younger side so I thought it would help.
Good move.
Overtraining is a serious concern. Why not optimize your routine by doing less?
Hold off on anabolics until you're 25. As it is you're making great progress. Don't shut down your body with gear while its at its peak in terms of making testosterone.

You hadn't mentioned age before.
dont get into that mythical magic pill idea...

take the advice the guys have given you and slowly lose the weight....
I'm 21 years old. I appreciate the advice, however I'm not looking for a magical pill to drop weight. I've already been grinding and lost a significant amount. Just looking for something to give me an edge. I've been reading around the forums though and I agree I'm probably too young to begin anything.