Cant gain any damn weight.


New member
So i have always had problems gaining weight while trying to bulk. I eat whatever the hell i want whenever i want but just cant gain weight. I force food down my damn throat to the point i feel sick all the time and still only gain like 5lbs and loose it a couple days later if i dont continue to cram food down. And i never gain more that 5lbs. I have one of those fuckin' unreal metabs going for me unfortunantly. I Eat around 4000-6000 cals a day. Try to keep it high fat,carb and protien. I eat dirty all the time and still, nothing. I NEED help. i just wanna gain some fat. Im 26 and around 11-13 % BF all the time. I weigh 175 in the mornings and am about 180 after force feeding all day.
I recommend you to post your diet here so people can see what you eat and your macros to be able to help you.
I rest my two cents.
I dont really follow a diet while i bulk. I just eat unhealthy. Usually 6 meals a day. Breads, pasta's, rice, oatmeal, chicken, fish, 87% beef, 5 or 6 glasses of milk a day, and i eat till i cant eat anymore every meal. And i try to eat tons of fatty food before i go to bed, to let it sit and build fat over night. I know, i need to just go and look through the diet form. But though i could get faster answers just by asking.
When i bulk i really dont follow a diet plan. I just eat lots of protien. I eat tons of breads, pasta, rice, oatmeal, fish, chicken, 87 % lean, eggs, Whey protien shakes, 5 or 6 glasses of milk a day. and anything that will give me some added weight. I know i should just go on to the diet forum and research, but i thought by posting i could get some quicker answers.
You gotta start eating the right things not everything. I was a skinny lil shit the first day I walked into the gym. Without a plan, there's little to no progress...
You gotta start eating the right things not everything. I was a skinny lil shit the first day I walked into the gym. Without a plan, there's little to no progress...

Im starting to learn that. Im still a skinny shit. I just stay nice and cut. Even if i dont want to. been reading some great threads on bulk dieting. Dieting is alot more than i thought it would be for bulking. Cutting is hella easy for me.
without keeping count of your macros and calories how do you expect to successfully bulk?? i seriously doubt your eating 5-6k calories a day
-Get rid of the fatty foods immediately
-You can eat the same cals from healthy food but you have to be extremely dedicated
-Set a target for the amount of protein, carbs, and fats you'll need to consume ed
-For a while I wouldn't drink any protein shakes unless it is after your workout, focus getting you cals in from whole foods
-Some people can't simply gain weight with a few hundred cals above maintenance, you may need to increase the further
-Post exactly what you ate yesterday with times
So i have always had problems gaining weight while trying to bulk. I eat whatever the hell i want whenever i want but just cant gain weight. I force food down my damn throat to the point i feel sick all the time and still only gain like 5lbs and loose it a couple days later if i dont continue to cram food down. And i never gain more that 5lbs. I have one of those fuckin' unreal metabs going for me unfortunantly. I Eat around 4000-6000 cals a day. Try to keep it high fat,carb and protien. I eat dirty all the time and still, nothing. I NEED help. i just wanna gain some fat. Im 26 and around 11-13 % BF all the time. I weigh 175 in the mornings and am about 180 after force feeding all day.

What a life !!
Some people fight to gain 1 pound , while others are dying to loose one !!
I suggest contacting 3j And choosing a diet plan .. He had success with lots of people targeting loosing or gaining..
Do it.
without keeping count of your macros and calories how do you expect to successfully bulk?? i seriously doubt your eating 5-6k calories a day[/QUOTE

I write down on paper the calories, protien, carbs and fats from on the back of all the stuff i eat for every single meal and shake, and add them up at the end of the day. And the stuff like fruit and fresh foods and vegies i look up on the FDA website to get the nutritional values. I make sure that it always adds up to around 5-6 thousand cals.
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without keeping count of your macros and calories how do you expect to successfully bulk?? i seriously doubt your eating 5-6k calories a day[/QUOTE

I write down on paper the calories, protien, carbs and fats from on the back of all the stuff i eat for every single meal and shake, and add them up at the end of the day. And the stuff like fruit and fresh foods and vegies i look up on the FDA website to get the nutritional values. I make sure that it always adds up to around 5-6 thousand cals.

Are you saying you do not gain fat nor muscle...? Or is this merely muscle gains your talking about? im getting confused here. If its weight in general...maybe you have celiac or simply need more calories if your extremely active and have a high meta, eat some fkin pizza and shit man, but seriously, just toss something in that is calorie dense if your finding it hard to hit more calories. then youll gain FOR sure. OR maybe your at your genetic potential if ur not on gear
Are you saying you do not gain fat nor muscle...? Or is this merely muscle gains your talking about? im getting confused here. If its weight in general...maybe you have celiac or simply need more calories if your extremely active and have a high meta, eat some fkin pizza and shit man, but seriously, just toss something in that is calorie dense if your finding it hard to hit more calories. then youll gain FOR sure. OR maybe your at your genetic potential if ur not on gear

Just trying to gain some fat. I still get muscle gains just slow. The muscle gain i get is just nice lean gains. I think in close to my genetic potencial. I am not currently on gear and just cant gain any fat/bulk weight. I am gonna run another cycle soon, just waiting on some cash. 3Js got me hooked up with a meal plan. SO that in combo with gear should put some good wait on.
If you are actually having issues putting on weight period ie fat. Dirty up your diet a bit since ur having issues getting it all down. Still hit those main macros but quite frankly if all stated is true you have no other option. I also wonder if you have any sort of digestive issues such as celiacs

stay cycle free, go natural for a bit. continue to train, lay off cardio and dirty up your diet. if you still dont gain ANYTHING I would consult a dr and have some tests done
what is your work out split and what kind of job do you have. if you are in construction and work out 7 days a week you might want to change your split to give you more days off to bulk.
what is your work out split and what kind of job do you have. if you are in construction and work out 7 days a week you might want to change your split to give you more days off to bulk.

I do 6 days on 1 day off. I am a diesel mechanic. So try like a 5 on 2 off? Or even more?
are you eating the the same on your work out days as you are on your off days?
try a five day for a couple weeks and if that does not work then try 4.
eat big on your days off too.

good luck
What did you end up making your split (how many days on/off)?

I ended up going 4 on 3 off and eating big. Finally started to put some weight on after i adjusted my diet and started cramming on my days off. I even am getting better muscle gains now. I think my body responds well to the longer rest periods!!!