Canuck boys


New member
Do any of my fellow Canadians know of a good place online to buy Optimum Whey Protein?

I buy it in the 5 pound tubs and with me going through this every 2 weeks I would like to find a cheaper price. I don't wanna buy it in the US as the duty negates any savings.

I to am looking for cheap protein. I spend a bloody fortune on the stuff. I saw some stuff on that looked ok... but you never know. I find that "Robert Kennedy's Muscle Mag" stores have the best prices I can find on Protein, but that's still not too cheap.... I live in Toronto btw.
Well just so you Canadians know, The Steroidology Online will be up very soon and we will be selling 5 pound buckets of SportLab Whey Protein for $56.99 CDN. Its more or less a competitive price when compared to other online stores.
Biggie when is the store gonna be up. I'll order from there and support you bros

Exkon SND looks pretty good, might try ordering from there while waiting for the Steroidology store to open....:D

Thanks Fellas.
Ya they're a really good online store. Fast as hell too. I have never had an order take over 3 days. If I order early Monday it will be here Wednesday.
I place an order with SND on a wednesday night. The pack was at my house my Friday morning. $47 for a 5lb container of Optimum .. YUMMMMM!!!!!
I pay 48 for a 5lb tub of Optimum at a few local stores.

I guess after shipping costs are factored I won't find it cheaper on the net.
urafreak said:
that has always been my beef with buying on-line. The shipping. I guess no one has free shipping?

sndcanada will ship for free if your order is over $100. Just buy two 5lb Optimim Wheys and a bottle of something like 8mg tab ephedra (something like $9)