Carb Cycling Contest Prep... Thoughts?


New member
Hi guys I've been doing research on Carb Cycling the last couple of days and of come up with a diet I wanna try and would like some thoughts on it.

I'm 5'9", 186 lbs., and about 17% bodyfat and 15 weeks out from my first show. I'm running 600mg of Test E, I know probably not best choice, and will stop 2 weeks out and coast on Anavar which I plan to start 4 weeks out.

I used the Harris-Benedict Formula and determined my maintenance Calories to be 3300 so I'm going for 2800 calories here.

I'm thinking:

Mon - High Carb
Pro - 280g
Carb - 280g
Fat - 62g

Tue - Low Carb
Pro - 280g
Carb - 175g
Fat - 108g

Wed - No Carb
Pro - 280g
Carb - 35g
Fat - 171g

Thur - High Carb
Same macros as Monday

Fri - Low Carb
Same macros as Tuesday

Sat - Low Carb
Same macros as Tuesday and Friday

Sun - No Carb
Same macros as Wednesday

My current training split, which I am very comfortable with and would like to keep, is:

45 min A.M. fasted cardio

45 min A.M. fasted cardio
Chest and Biceps

45 min A.M. fasted cardio
45 min P.M. cardio

45 min A.M. fasted cardio

45 min A.M. fasted cardio
Shoulders and Triceps

45 min A.M. fasted cardio
45 min P.M. cardio

Rest Completely no work just sit around house and cook my food for the week.

I am currently consuming a steady 3000 calories and things seem to be fine I just don't know if maybe the cardio is excessive.
So maybe change Saturday to a no carb day? I sort of modeled mine after Hawks58's plan he posted here: .

3J really seemed to like his plan however I don't think Hawks58 was trying to prep for a show. What you said makes sense to me too though. So I guess the question now is whether Saturday should be a no carb day or not. I appreciate your fast response Diced. Any other opinions out there, I just want to try and gather a consensus. I appreciate any and all opinions offered.

Thanks guys!
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Ok so after reading some more now I'm a little confused.. It seems I'm getting mixed reviews from other people around me. Saying that 108 and 171 grams are too much for a bb'ing diet and that I won't be able to get to the 6% or 7% bodyfat I'm looking for... Anyone with more experience care to weigh in? Maybe 3J or Dialtone?? Both you guys seem to know your stuff and I read your little "debate" in the sticky, "3Js Sample Cutting Diet" which also raised questions in my head about the validity of my proposed diet.

Any assistance in helping me to understand this would be greatly appreciated.
High Carb Day

Meal 1

4 egg whites (3/4 cup), 2 whole eggs - Cal 240, Pro 32g, Carb 6g, Fat 9g
1 cup oatmeal - Cal 300, Pro 10g, Carb 54g, Fat 6g
1 tbsp Peanut Butter - Cal 100, Pro 5g, Carb 4g, Fat 5.5g

Total = Cal 640, Pro 47g, Carb 64g, Fat 20.5g

Meal 2

6oz Extra Lean Ground Beef - Cal 225, Pro 36g, Carb 0g, Fat 6.75g
10oz Sweet Potato - Cal 240, Pro 4, Carb 50g, Fat 0g

Total = Cal 465, Pro 40g, Carb 50g, Fat 6.75g

Meal 3

8oz Chicken Breast - Cal 200, Pro 40g, Carb 0g, Fat 5g
10oz Sweet Potato - Cal 240, Pro 4g, Carb 50g, Fat 0g

Total = Cal 440, Pro 44g, Carb 50g, Fat 5g

Meal 4 Pre-Workout

4oz Chicken Breast - Cal 100, Pro 20g, Carb 0g, Fat 2.5g
1 cup Brown Rice - Cal 300, Pro 6g, Carb 68g, Fat 3g

Total = Cal 400, Pro 26g, Carb 68g, Fat 5.5g

Meal 5 Post-Workout

2 Scoops Whey Protein - Cal 240, Pro 48g, Carb 6g, Fat 2g
3/4 cup oatmeal - Cal 225, Pro 7.5g, Carb 40.5g, Fat 4.5g
1 tbsp Peanut Butter - Cal 100, Pro 5g, Carb 4g, Fat 5.5g

Total = Cal 565, Pro 60.5g, Carb 50.5g, Fat 12g

Meal 6

8oz Tilapia - Cal 200, Pro 40g, Carb 0g, Fat 5g

Total = Cal 200, Pro 40g, Carb 0g, Fat 5g

Meal 7

5oz Tuna - Cal 100, Pro 22.5g, Carb 0g, Fat 2.5g

Total = Cal 100, Pro 22.5g, Carb 0g, Fat 2.5g

Overall Total = Cal 2810, Pro 280g, Carb 282.5g, Fat 57.25g

Low Carb Day

Meal 1

6 whole eggs - Cal 420, Pro 36g, Carb 6g, Fat 27g
1/2 cup oatmeal - Cal 150, Pro 5g, Carb 27g, Fat 3g
1 tbsp Peanut Butter - Cal 100, Pro 5g, Carb 4g, Fat 5.5g
1 oz. Raw Almonds - Cal 160, Pro 6g, Carb 6g, Fat 14g

Total = Cal 830, Pro 52g, Carb 43g, Fat 49.5g

Meal 2

6oz Extra Lean Ground Beef - Cal 225, Pro 36g, Carb 0g, Fat 6.75g

Total = Cal 225, Pro 36g, Carb 0g, Fat 6.75g

Meal 3

8oz Chicken Breast - Cal 200, Pro 40g, Carb 0g, Fat 5g

Total = Cal 200, Pro 40g, Carb 0g, Fat 5g

Meal 4 Pre-Workout

4oz Chicken Breast - Cal 100, Pro 20g, Carb 0g, Fat 2.5g
1 cup Brown Rice - Cal 300, Pro 6g, Carb 68g, Fat 3g

Total = Cal 400, Pro 26g, Carb 68g, Fat 5.5g

Meal 5 Post-Workout

2 Scoops Whey Protein - Cal 240, Pro 48g, Carb 6g, Fat 2g
3/4 cup oatmeal - Cal 225, Pro 7.5g, Carb 40.5g, Fat 4.5g
2 tbsp Peanut Butter - Cal 200, Pro 10g, Carb 8g, Fat 11g

Total = Cal 665, Pro 65.5g, Carb 54.5g, Fat 17.5g

Meal 6

8oz Tilapia - Cal 200, Pro 40g, Carb 0g, Fat 5g

Total = Cal 200, Pro 40g, Carb 0g, Fat 5g

Meal 7

5oz Tuna - Cal 100, Pro 22.5g, Carb 0g, Fat 2.5g
1 oz. Raw Almonds - Cal 160, Pro 6g, Carb 6g, Fat 14g

Total = Cal 260, Pro 28.5g, Carb 6g, Fat 16.5g

Overall Total = Cal 2780, Pro 288g, Carb 171.5g, Fat 105.25g

And in all honesty once I ran across a lot of the stuff I have on the interent saying that over 100g fat was too much. I stopped making the meal plans until I could get all this cleared up. However it probably would have been much the same food wise with pretty much all the remaining carbs removed and replaced with more almonds and peanut butter. The peanut butter is natty omega 3 peanut butter and the whole eggs are also omega 3. Thank you very much for your help.
Where's your no carb day? I'll go ahead and say that your low carb days should have less carbs in my opinion.
When haven't started this diet yet. I was still planning it out when I got all confused about whether to keep th ecalories constant throughout the week and have that much fat in the diet. I have the macros for it planned I just haven't put the meal plans together yet.

So you think too many carbs on the low carb day? I was trying to keep a steady decreasing ratio of:

High Carb - Pro 40%, Carb 40%, Fat 20%
Low Carb - Pro 40%, Carb 25%, Fat 35%
No Carb - Pro 40%, Carb 5%, Fat 55%

As that seemed to be about what 3J was suggesting to people on the boards. I really appreciate your help and insight dialtone. So ballpark, what would you think might be more appropriate Carb-wise on the low carb days? 100g? I have 35g planned for the no carb days.

Thanks again for your help man and any others that may want to join in.
Ok so I just finished putting together my no carb day. I had trouble getting it to 2800 kcal like the others without having the carbs breach the mid 30s mark where I wanted to keep it. I figure it should be ok because there is no lifting on those days and I'm think the next day is a high carb day so it could be sort of like a refeed and keep my metabolism going.

Here is what my proposed No Carb day would look like:

Meal 1

6 whole eggs - Cal 420, Pro 36g, Carb 6g, Fat 27g
1 tbsp Peanut Butter - Cal 100, Pro 5g, Carb 4g, Fat 5.5g
1 oz. Raw Almonds - Cal 160, Pro 6g, Carb 6g, Fat 14g

Total = Cal 680, Pro 47g, Carb 16g, Fat 46.5g

Meal 2

8oz Extra Lean Ground Beef - Cal 300, Pro 48g, Carb 0g, Fat 9g

Total = Cal 300, Pro 48g, Carb 0g, Fat 9g

Meal 3

8oz Chicken Breast - Cal 200, Pro 40g, Carb 0g, Fat 5g

Total = Cal 200, Pro 40g, Carb 0g, Fat 5g

Meal 4 Pre-Workout

8oz Chicken Breast - Cal 200, Pro 40g, Carb 0g, Fat 5g

Total = Cal 200, Pro 40g, Carb 0g, Fat 5g

Meal 5 Post-Workout

2 whole eggs - Cal 140, Pro 12g, Carb 2g, Fat 9g
1 oz. Raw Almonds - Cal 160, Pro 6g, Carb 6g, Fat 14g
2 tbsp Peanut Butter - Cal 200, Pro 10g, Carb 8g, Fat 11g

Total = Cal 500, Pro 28g, Carb 16g, Fat 34g

Meal 6

8oz Tilapia - Cal 200, Pro 40g, Carb 0g, Fat 5g

Total = Cal 200, Pro 40g, Carb 0g, Fat 5g

Meal 7

5oz Tuna - Cal 100, Pro 22.5g, Carb 0g, Fat 2.5g
1 oz. Raw Almonds - Cal 160, Pro 6g, Carb 6g, Fat 14g

Total = Cal 260, Pro 28.5g, Carb 6g, Fat 16.5g

Overall Total = Cal 2340, Pro 271.5g, Carb 38g, Fat 121g

Any thoughts guys?
got your pm.. im on vacation till monday.. pm me again at that time so i can look all this over.. from the looks of it its decent but there is some tweaking we can do