Carbs post work out


city of the sun
What carbs do u consume post work out? Simple I guess. But from which source.
How many grams / lb and after how long?
Please share ur experience.
Simple carbs post workout are not necessary. There should be no need to replenish your glycogen stores immediately, rather complex low gi carbs over the course of the day will increase insulin sensitivity, you'll be better off all round, store less fat and have better insulin shuttling 24/7. Do some googling on insulin sensitivity and you will learn its' benefits
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Simple carbs post workout are not necessary. There should be no need to replenish your glycogen stores immediately, rather complex low gi carbs over the course of the day will increase insulin sensitivity, you'll be better off all round, store less fat and have better insulin shuttling 24/7. Do some googling on insulin sensitivity and you will learn its' benefits

i completely disagree, simple carbs immediately after are a very good idea(as well as amino acids/protein of course) the best ssources are id say 1.karbolyn(patented product derived from potatoes) imo is better than the product made from corn. or maltodextrin and dextrose will do just fine, some people like waxy maize, but i am not a fan.

if u don't want to buy a supplement for ur carbs the second best thing would be juice IMO. and the amount of carbs depends on ur body weight but id say at least 80-100 for most people
Simple carbs post workout are not necessary. There should be no need to replenish your glycogen stores immediately, rather complex low gi carbs over the course of the day will increase insulin sensitivity, you'll be better off all round, store less fat and have better insulin shuttling 24/7. Do some googling on insulin sensitivity and you will learn its' benefits[/QUOT

I googled that's why that I'm here. Looks like everyone says that sugars are necessary post working out , such as dextrose.. I needed to know how much , and the best sources for that. Fruits? Table sugar? White rice?
i completely disagree, simple carbs immediately after are a very good idea(as well as amino acids/protein of course) the best ssources are id say 1.karbolyn(patented product derived from potatoes) imo is better than the product made from corn. or maltodextrin and dextrose will do just fine, some people like waxy maize, but i am not a fan.

if u don't want to buy a supplement for ur carbs the second best thing would be juice IMO. and the amount of carbs depends on ur body weight but id say at least 80-100 for most people

Clear .
Thank you
olddawg is actually correct. Post workout carbs are not needed nor are post workout proteins. First, you don't come close to depleting glycogen in a workout. Second, even if you did, why would you need to replenish them rapidly unless you were training again the same day. As for protein, unless you are fasted then you will already have amino acids being digested, absorbed & utilized. If you are fasted, then eating within an hour may be beneficial. There is no research supporting that it is, but an educated assumption would be to eat protein briefly afterwards if fasted.
olddawg is actually correct. Post workout carbs are not needed nor are post workout proteins. First, you don't come close to depleting glycogen in a workout. Second, even if you did, why would you need to replenish them rapidly unless you were training again the same day. As for protein, unless you are fasted then you will already have amino acids being digested, absorbed & utilized. If you are fasted, then eating within an hour may be beneficial. There is no research supporting that it is, but an educated assumption would be to eat protein briefly afterwards if fasted.

Jeez too many schools.
3j is one of the best dietitian of all times , and I see a white bagel as a post work out meal with whey shake.
I ll go with 3j .
Thnx for the reply though
3j is one of the best dietitian of all times , and I see a white bagel as a post work out meal with whey shake.j

Based on what?

No disrespect intended, but I've never heard of 3j. The most reputable and knowledgeable leading PHD nutritionists atm would be people like; Alan Aragon, Lyle McDonald, Emma Leigh, Layne Norton. Eric Helms is also up and coming with a great deal of knowledge.

Read my post again and olddawgs. They are scientifically verifiable.
Based on what?

No disrespect intended, but I've never heard of 3j. The most reputable and knowledgeable leading PHD nutritionists atm would be people like; Alan Aragon, Lyle McDonald, Emma Leigh, Layne Norton. Eric Helms is also up and coming with a great deal of knowledge.

Read my post again and olddawgs. They are scientifically verifiable.

You probably havent heard of him because you just got on this board...You can look on just about any serious site and read reviews about 3J the man is the real deal...great nutritionist!
olddawg is actually correct. Post workout carbs are not needed nor are post workout proteins. First, you don't come close to depleting glycogen in a workout. Second, even if you did, why would you need to replenish them rapidly unless you were training again the same day. As for protein, unless you are fasted then you will already have amino acids being digested, absorbed & utilized. If you are fasted, then eating within an hour may be beneficial. There is no research supporting that it is, but an educated assumption would be to eat protein briefly afterwards if fasted.

maybe 3j will comment on this, but im not gonna get in an argument with you, your wrong, and there are plenty of reasons as to why u are wrong.

you say u aren't going to use up ur glyocgen stores, guess ur not training hard enough bud, but im a dam near 280lb bodybuilder and every single workout is balls to the wall on the verge of passing out. trust me you train hard enough u will need to replenish glyocgen. but that is not the only reasons we do this. one more reason is to cause an insulin spike. insulin is very powerful. also those carbs help shuttle nutrients into ur muscles post workout . and you say protein is not needed either? do you know what catabolic means? ur in a catabolic state post workout and that needs to change as soon as possible..good way to do that..AMINO ACIDS! they r in ur protein . L-leucine for example is an anabolic trigger that can help put u back into an anabolic state quickly.

if u want to recover as fast as possible and see the best results get in ur simple carbs and aminos/protein PWO
You probably havent heard of him because you just got on this board...You can look on just about any serious site and read reviews about 3J the man is the real deal...great nutritionist!

He very well could be. I guess I'll find out. But at the moment the leading people when it comes to nutritional science are those I just mentioned.
maybe 3j will comment on this, but im not gonna get in an argument with you, your wrong, and there are plenty of reasons as to why u are wrong.

you say u aren't going to use up ur glyocgen stores, guess ur not training hard enough bud, but im a dam near 280lb bodybuilder and every single workout is balls to the wall on the verge of passing out. trust me you train hard enough u will need to replenish glyocgen. but that is not the only reasons we do this. one more reason is to cause an insulin spike. insulin is very powerful. also those carbs help shuttle nutrients into ur muscles post workout . and you say protein is not needed either? do you know what catabolic means? ur in a catabolic state post workout and that needs to change as soon as possible..good way to do that..AMINO ACIDS! they r in ur protein . L-leucine for example is an anabolic trigger that can help put u back into an anabolic state quickly.

if u want to recover as fast as possible and see the best results get in ur simple carbs and aminos/protein PWO

Actually you're wrong, on so many levels.

They performed studies, training on a leg day with high intensity and high volume. After the session glycogen had only depleted 30%. That's an indication of how realistic it is to deplete glycogen. It's not going to happen in one workout. Sorry.

Always. Carbs post workout to spike insulin is a complete myth. Are you aware that whey protein is extremely insulinogenic also? Are you aware that unless you are fasted it won't matter anyway?

As for catabolic. Are you aware how long it takes for protein to fully digest? Can be up to 72hours in some cases. Unless you are in a completely fasted state you will have amino acids in your bloodstream anyway. Also, the longer you wait before eating protein, the greater the anabolic response will be to counter the catabolic state.

go read some hany rambod or Chris aceto books/articles, they will teach u a thing or two. why don't u post a pic so we can see how ur diet is working for ya haha.

and as far as the whey protein, i have my carbs, aminos, and insulin post workout while im at the gym, 30-45 later ill have a protein shake.

you may be right about some things man, but maybe we have different goals in mind, my goal is to be as big as possible and ur not going to achieve that with a diet like ur speaking of. nobody i know in the industry advocates a diet like ur speaking of.
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Well.. I pm'd 3j
Hope he ll have time to speak out.
The guy is an knowledge ocean when it comes to nutrition, And I trust him all the way.

go read some hany rambod or Chris aceto books/articles, they will teach u a thing or two. why don't u post a pic so we can see how ur diet is working for ya haha.

and as far as the whey protein, i have my carbs, aminos, and insulin post workout while im at the gym, 30-45 later ill have a protein shake.

you may be right about some things man, but maybe we have different goals in mind, my goal is to be as big as possible and ur not going to achieve that with a diet like ur speaking of. nobody i know in the industry advocates a diet like ur speaking of.

Maybe you should go read some of Alan Aragons' work, or Lyle McDonald or Emma Leigh or Layne Norton or Eric Helms or Martin Berkhan and update yourself on all the latest relevant research.

What you just said is pure broscience. Don't mean to come across like an ass but I'm a straight shooter and I say it how it is.

Chris Aceto? C'mon. That is laughable as a credible source of information. Hany rambod I'm not familiar with but he won't have anything on the guys I just mentioned.

And those guys I just mentioned advocate diets exactly how I suggested. I get a lot of my information from following their work.
Well.. I pm'd 3j
Hope he ll have time to speak out.
The guy is an knowledge ocean when it comes to nutrition, And I trust him all the way.

What is 3j's real name? I just mentioned a couple of people who I highly doubt 3j is more knowledgeable than when it comes to training and nutritional science. That being said, I don't know 3j so I can't make a conclusive comment, just an assertion.