caulking gun


New member
is anybody here using a caulking gun ??

i would like to buy one and use it with my 50 cc syringe's
if anybody knows which kind i should use i would defiantly appreciate it.
thx alot douge...

im looking for it online in my country but cant find it ...
what is the original use for it ?? (silicon guns maybe)
just asking to get to know what im looking for
We call them caulk guns here. Lots of different kinds of caulk, but many of them do use silicon.

But a 50mL syringe with the plunger pulled out to the 50mL mark won't fit in my caulk gun. I could only pull it out to maybe 25mL so I would have been better to just buy 20mL syringes. I did that, in fact, but now I have a crimper so this is a non-issue. I just to spend hours just filling up my vials. That sucked.
If you put too much pressure on the syringe, the oil will go past the rubber and then you'll need a new syringe. Happend to me when I was just using my hands. Syringes were bought from a sponsor and I also used other brand so it's not the syringe, but the pressure.
Oil seems to flow faster with smaller cc syringes, I used 5cc and it worked great, 150ml in about 20min.
pineapple said:
If you put too much pressure on the syringe, the oil will go past the rubber and then you'll need a new syringe. Happend to me when I was just using my hands. Syringes were bought from a sponsor and I also used other brand so it's not the syringe, but the pressure.
Oil seems to flow faster with smaller cc syringes, I used 5cc and it worked great, 150ml in about 20min.
Good point regarding another advantage to use a smaller syringe. Simply physics here, but easy to disregard.

What brands of syringes did you have the problem with the oil leaker out behind the plunger?
isotop said:
thx alot douge...

im looking for it online in my country but cant find it ...
what is the original use for it ?? (silicon guns maybe)
just asking to get to know what im looking for

Do they not have hardware stores or wal-mart where you are???? Ya walk in, throw down your $5.00 and walk out with it...

i thought ill find it online but i cant...
the only one i found is a "skeleton caulking gun" which doesnt have the frame like all the ones in your picture (the lower part)
Dude, if you have a computer to connect to sterodiology with, and a phone to take a picture of yourself, and you arent in a 3rd world country, YOU HAVE CAULK GUNS. Hardware store, building supply store, etc. Do they not build things in your country?
i live in israel and we live in tents...

hehe just kidding, i know i can find it somewhere i just said that i couldnt find it online.

thx guys

btw dougoe u have an awesome forearm really impressive
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isotop said:
i live in israel and we live in tents...

hehe just kidding, i know i can find it somewhere i just said that i couldnt find it online.

thx guys

btw dougoe u have an awesome forearm really impressive
Alternate arms when spanking it and put ankle weights on your wrists. Use testosterone so that you will want to spank it 10 times more than usual.
The sweet spot with test for me is 600mg/week. Im horny 24/7. Anything less or more, and my "readiness" level decreases. In 2g/w, im no more horny than 300mg/w. (I blame estrogen).

Thanks isotop, I do what mranak has posted and it works like a charm. The real secret (and i do NOT know why he revealed this), is the ankle weights.
mranak said:
Good point regarding another advantage to use a smaller syringe. Simply physics here, but easy to disregard.

What brands of syringes did you have the problem with the oil leaker out behind the plunger?
From one of the sponsors on this board. I used a 10cc and a 20cc, same problems. I also used a hospital 30cc which I used for measuring out solutions and the rubber thing came off. I like using 3cc cuz it seems to be the fastest way, eventho I screw off and on a bunch of times. It's easy to push that 3cc.
The side wall helps to ensure the syringe doesnt shift or somehow move out of the axial sirection of force.

In otherwords get the one I posted if possible.
Get a brake bleeder or electric vacum pump. Then get a steri cup and filters. Trust me on this. If you are going to do more than one batch, this is money well spent.