Celltech with protien


New member
hay all.. i haveing like 3 protien shakes a day and i also have a full tube of cell tech creatine... would it be a waste to take the cell tech as well??.. so i would be haveing like 3 protien shakes and 3 cell tech shakes a day!!!! Do you think it is way to much??? but i am having a hard 2 day on, 2days off work out routine
Just as long as you're taking the celltech and protein shakes SEPERATELY. If you take them at the same time, I believe the creatine and protein tend to compete with eachother, thus lowering the absorption rate. And THREE CELLTECH SHAKES A DAY?! Do you realize that there is about 75 grams of sugar in each serving of Celltech? Honestly, I would think that you would be fine doing one celltech shake right after your workout and about 15-30 minutes later doing a protein shake. any other time, and all of that excess sugar just might get converted into fat. Just my 2 cents.
celltech 1/2 serving prework out
shake 1-2scoops post work out

other wise take the 1/2 serving celltech daily with breakfast.

when you run out of cell tech replace with bulk mono creatine. dosed at 5g daily
Well im gonna av a cell-tech first thing in the morning, and last thing at nyt.... and im aving a protien shake, pre workout and post workout so thanx for the info guys