I am banned!
Ate 2 tilapia fillets, 10 min later 92 glucose. Pin 5iu, 10 min later 115.
I'll continue to post results. Next time I'll try fasted after 10 min.
if you only ate the tilapia with NO Carbs, and your blood sugar became elevated within an hour afterwards, then I'm guessing the possibility that HGH 'may' stimulate gluconeogenesis, in the liver, which would result in an increase in hepatic glucose output (and higher blood sugar levels) .
so some of the amino acids from the talapia were converted into glucose in the body , and HGH 'possibly' helped stimulate this process*
*there are articles that state this as a possibly with HGH use . is this good or bad? well on a Ketogenic diet it would be bad cause HGH would stimulate you out of ketosis with lower protein intake then would normally do that. But otherwise, gluconeogensis would be better then catabolism and breaking down muscle tissue and converting that into glucose for energy . so perhaps HGH could be considered 'anti-catabolic' in those regards.
I don't know , just throwing some thoughts out there

"us national library of medicine"another major function of GH is to provide a mechanism for surviving periods of food deprivation. GH stimulates lipolysis, providing FFAs and glycerol as substrates for energy metabolism, and also inhibits insulin-induced suppression of hepatic gluconeogenesis. These effects counteract insulin action and reduce the need for a dietary source of carbohydrate
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