check out my routine....working out to much? input??


New member
ok been hitting the gym 6 or 7 days a week..usually everyday since on cycle unless something comes up, which is usually never....just wodering if i am over working myself or if what im doing is ok..

i do days 1-4 then restart over again

do four sets of each--6 reps with as much weight as i can safely lift- going to failure on last set

day 1--legs
weighted lunges
leg press
calf raises
seated calf raises
leg ext
calf ext
and machines for outer and inner thighs

day 2--chest/biceps
incline bench
flat bench
chest machine
preacher curls
seated curls
hammer curls
cable crossovers
bicep machine
fly machine

day 3--back
wide grip pull up
close grip pull down
one arm db row
bent over bb row
seated row
hit couple back machines

day 4--shoulders/triceps
smith shoulder press
db lateral raise
db reverse fly
shoulder shrugs
skull crushers
one arm db ext
tri rope
tri pull down
tri machine

i do abs on mon wed fri---nothing crazy

i do freeweights first and cable exercises..depending on how i feel then i usually hit the machines that work the body part im working that day

just wondering if i can overwork myself...feel good and wana be in gym everday since on cycle and have diet down..i know theres three days break before i go back to that same day but some things work more than one muscle..if i am too soar i skip the next day but usually im not, i can tell i worked out the day before but nothing is hurting...

just looking for some input ---if im fucking up feel free to tell me...

thanks in advance guys...sorry so long
also i dont do each day in that order...switch exercises up..some days i prob forget to do some things and some i may feel like not leaving and do a couple things twice...

just fyi..test e only cycle 500mg week 1-12

just took fourth shot and already i am up almost 10 im feeling great with this and it is obv working....just dont wanna fuck up and overwork i need to take day or two off a week?
damn no one must read these threads.....

gona take this weekend off..then work out mon and off........workout thurs and sat....workout sun

that way only 5 days a week...
no such thing as overworking yourself on cycle bro. And no I don't think you're overworking yourself, I've been doing about the same amount (8 exercises 4 sets each 6 days a week) for the last 5 years, slowing down at some points for rest. no worries, ull know if u overwork yourself because ull feel ill
No decline bench or dips?:sad:

I know Im a chick so, everything I say is taken with a grain of salt but, when I cycle I can safely lift for an hour straight and be fine. Maybe so for a day but thats it. How do you feel? tired? How long are you sore for? How much protein are you taking in?
cough bullshit cough :sad:


if ur gonna come back with something make an attempt at formulating a factual argument. until then im gonna give u the benefit of the doubt and think u were joking rather than assume ur just an idiot who doesn't know what you're talking about
No decline bench or dips?:sad:

I know Im a chick so, everything I say is taken with a grain of salt but, when I cycle I can safely lift for an hour straight and be fine. Maybe so for a day but thats it. How do you feel? tired? How long are you sore for? How much protein are you taking in?

no i do decline bench..but havent been doing dips...i will add them... only thing that makes me little more soar than usual is if i hit back really hard then then next day to shoulders...shoulders are the only thing that feel soar sometimes....think ill just take a day off here and there as i feel needed
and sometimes i was hitting it before work at 530 and then again around 330 when i got off..........gona stop the two a days
yup just an idiot here. how can you say you cant overtrain on gear? thats a complete opinion. everyone knows its not magical. you can still overtrain on gear. why wouldnt you train everyday then? there is still rest days and rest periods.

telling someone they cant overtrain on gear is not correct. are you saying he or anyone else on gear can do 100 sets of 50 reps?

i dont wanna argue with you(or have you call me an idiot lol) but your overtraining statement is wrong sorry
I train shoulders and legs on there own day. Legs twice. But my tris get fatigued to much, so I do bis tris same day.
personally I can't train that many days without rest. After all , REST is what essentially makes you grow ....along with diet. But if the gear allows you train without fatigue or soreness , than carry on bro. You'll know when you need to rest, your body will tell you. If all your lifts continue to increase, then keep training. Keep us posted on your progress.
yeah was getting a little soar....and just from working out everyday i was kinda slippin on lifting alot of weight...

took fri sat and sun off...gonna get back hittin it hard tomorrow...2 days hard then day off then repeat...see how that goes...

let ya know