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Hey whatsup, my freind is going to start to take 500mg of test e. weekly for 8weeks and he was telling me that he has to use nolvadex throughout the cycle. I have never heard of using nolva. through the whole cycle. I thought your just supposed to take it duriong the end for some PCT. Its his first cycle. Is this right, or should he just take it at the end for PCT.
I would have nolva on hand in case of gyno and for post cycle therapy (pct), but not use it during the cycle. 8 weeks is a little short for that cycle too, id go 10.
Lots of guys (myself included) take Nolvadex throughout their entire cycles for gyno prevention. Of course that is only if you know you are prone to gyno, therefore you wouldn't use it unless you've run a cycle and had gyno problems in the past.
StoneColdNTO said:
Lots of guys (myself included) take Nolvadex throughout their entire cycles for gyno prevention. Of course that is only if you know you are prone to gyno, therefore you wouldn't use it unless you've run a cycle and had gyno problems in the past.

what dose do you generally run it at during a cycle Stonecold?