chemistry question


New member
I am sure this has already been discussed, but I can't seem to find anything related to my question. I know that a lot of bros here brew there own gear, but does anyone know how to make there own powder here.......if not, does anyone know where that kind of information can be found without having to go to school for biochemistry? It sure would be nice to cut out the middle man, save money, and eliminate the chance of a felony.
You want to make your own powder? You'll most likely need 1,000's of dollars worth of equipment, a chemist, and an expensive lab.

In order for it to be worth the cash spent on equipment, etc, you'll then need to sell loads of your powder, thus making you a source. Say bye-bye to trying to avoid breaking the law with that one.
nodeities said:
I am sure this has already been discussed, but I can't seem to find anything related to my question. I know that a lot of bros here brew there own gear, but does anyone know how to make there own powder here.......if not, does anyone know where that kind of information can be found without having to go to school for biochemistry? It sure would be nice to cut out the middle man, save money, and eliminate the chance of a felony.

Well first of all.............I don't know how you figure you would eliminate the chance of a felony. That is called manufacturing a controlled substance. Manufacturing, would be a much stiffer penalty, than just posession, or attempt to purchase.

But anyway, to answer your question, you can actually synthesize quite a few hormones using readily available, and legal, pro-hormone powders, along with some other obtainable chemicals. (but as stated, this is manufacturing a controlled substance)

The thing is..... after purchasing the pro-hormone powders, other required chemicals, all required glassware, and other items needed to perform the task, you could have simply purchased the actual steroid powder cheaper.
At this point in time, the steroid powders are readily available, and quite inexpensive. So I don't really see the point in going through all the work of trying to manufacture the stuff, when you could just buy it.

(** no I don't know of any powder sources, so please don't pm me...LOL**)
Excellent posts...couldn't agree more. The present dollar and exchange rate when doing business with Asia (for example?) makes powder creation absolutely unneccassary.
So lets say "nodeities" (who posted this thread) agrees with your feedback, and decides he will find a powder source, and then conceives a hair-brained idea to create his own home-brew. It goes well, he has impressed himself, so now he wants to start his own "underground lab" and make a little cash on the side, in addition to paying for his cycles via the profits. What obstacles would he face? What challenges might he need to overcome? What are his risks vs. payoff? How would he arrange for delivery of funds to him, and product to buyer? Once again, this is just a "hypothetical situation" based on his great experience with homebrew.