Cheph's Tren E 200, Sustanon 500, Anadrol 50


Cool As Fuck
30 yrs old
4 months after last cycle

Week 1-5 - 100mg Anadrol ed
Week 1-12 - 400mg tren E weekly
Week 1-12 - 300mg sustanon weekly
Week 12-15 - 500mg sustanon weekly
Week 1-13 - 500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) twice weekly
Week 13-15 - 2500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) a week
Week 1-15 - caber .5mg e3d
Week 1-15 - anastrozole .25mg e3d
Also going to run NAC liver support

Clomid - 300 day 1, 100/100/50/50
Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20

Will be doing a 8 week diet by 3J

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Just waiting for my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to arrive so I can start. Ordered it today.
Pinned 100mg tren, 250mg sustanon and took 50mg anadrol today.
Did it post workout today since it won't really matter on day 1 but from now on I will be pinning at 6am and hit gym at 9-10.
Literally planning the exact same cycle as you, except im taking arimidex 1mg eod. I got almost everything and will probably start in a few weeks. I hope to see alot of updates from you because i have similar stats and want to see what i should be expecting
Upped my Adrol to 100mg today. Pinned 100mg sustanon. Added 8 pills N2 AMP (bought two bottles) and had some sick pumps ! For the last couple weeks I've been doing reverse pyramid super sets on most of my workouts. Next week I start an 8 week super mass program from uncle z. I don't know if its in my head but it feels like the Adrol is already kicking in at day 3 !!
Upped my Adrol to 100mg today. Pinned 100mg sustanon. Added 8 pills N2 AMP (bought two bottles) and had some sick pumps ! For the last couple weeks I've been doing reverse pyramid super sets on most of my workouts. Next week I start an 8 week super mass program from uncle z. I don't know if its in my head but it feels like the Adrol is already kicking in at day 3 !!

Nice, glad your liking the n2amp. Anadrol with n2amp gives some insane pumps. I can't do drol though because it makes me feel like shit. Good luck with your cycle.
Pinned 200mg tren in shoulder coz its legs day and 50mg drol before gym alongside 6 pills n2 amp. All I gotta say I holy shit insane pumps again ! I feel the drol kicking in everything is much lighter it feels. Dropping another 50mg drol when I get home. Think 6 n2 amp is good didn't make me nauseous today
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Pinned 50mg sustanon and ate 50mg drol before gym alongside n2 amp and now taking another 50mg drol. Day 5 I've gained 3lb and my wife asked this morning before gym if I did push-ups because I look so swolle !! Awesome !! Got back from the gym and holy shit I can already see a change in physique. Also added about 10lb on every workout and pumping out a lot more reps ! I'm excited to see what happens when tren kicks in !!!
Everyday been taking 100mg drol and have mild headaches so I been drinking more water and they are gone. Pinned 200mg tren and 75mg sustanon. I've gained 7lb in 1 week !! Up to 192 now. Switched to uncle z's super mass Workout today and it went much easier than expected, no massive strength gains yet but muscles are getting rock hard.
Pinned another 200mg tren and 75mg Sustanon (sust) today alongside my usual 100mg anadrol. Aggression is much higher and I have a much shorter temper probably due to the anadrol. Starting to gain noticeable physique change but also my appetite is a bit down also probably due to the anadrol. Significant strength gains too, everything is going up much easier
Exactly two weeks into my cycle today, pinned 200mg tren and 75mg Sustanon (sust) today. Still taking 100mg drol ed. Can't wait for this tren to start kicking in. So far the drol has been doing its job but having serious issues controlling my temper, aggressive as hell. Strength gains have been huge the last week or so.
Pinned 200mg tren today with 200mg Sustanon (sust). Been feeling lethargic all day last few days so ill up Sustanon (sust) a notch to about 500mg a week from 350-400 and see if that gives more balance. Same thing happened when I was on tren ace. Weighed at 195lb naked with no breakfast or drink today. This is week 3 the tren I'm starting to feel it. I've had crazy dreams and nightmares and the shitty night sweats are starting (not as bad as ace tho !) still taking drol at 100mg a day and pinning Sustanon (sust) eod I just dot feel like posting that.
Dreams bad night sweats are getting more and more serious, these nightmares I'm having a really fucked up ones with demons and shit wanting to eat my soul or some other random weird shit. Getting really swolle the last week or so, up to 198lb. Tren has definitely started to kick in, interesting to see when it's kicking in at full force. Keeping sustanon to 450-500mg a week and tren at 400-450
Week 3 so far so good. Starting to swell up, really can't wait for the tren to kick in fully. Weighed at 198 today at the gym, everything is starting to come along
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