Cheph's Tren E 200, Sustanon 500, Anadrol 50

Week 9, 3 more weeks of tren left. Then doing another 6 weeks of thesust and also adding masteron and eq. I'll stay updating this thread again
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Pinned 150mg eq along with 225mg tren and 250mg sust. Let's see what happens. As soon as I run or of tren I'll start hitting up 50mg masteron eod alongside sust and eq
Said Fuck it and pinned masteron alongside sust. Curious to see if the eq and masteron will boost the rest a lot
Night and Day difference from your starting pics to current. sick results, strength still rising?
Wow bro...just checking back in. Your results are glaring man a and u sound like ur enjoyig the ride. Good luck rest of the way.
Night and Day difference from your starting pics to current. sick results, strength still rising?

Yes I increased tren dosage and gained more strength. Everyone I see are completely shocked over my fast gains. For the people that have the stones to ask if I'm taking steps I say Fuck yes. I fyckin love it
Very impressive cycle. I love the mixture and the transition into masteron and eq.

What other supplements were you taking with this cycle if any?
Very impressive cycle. I love the mixture and the transition into masteron and eq.

What other supplements were you taking with this cycle if any?

Yes it's a bit different I guess but I think it will pan out. Weighed in at 205 today. Pretty sure the masteron is kicked in already because for the first time during my cyclei had HEAVY night sweats just like wheni was on tren ace.

Other supplements:
- syntha 6 for protein
- creature for creatine
- T.A.G for glutamine by metabolic
- amino by metabolic
- vitamin c + b12
- n2amp but just ran out

Also eating 6-8 meals a day. I try to stay as clean as possible with my food but it's hard as I'm a chef and break down once in a while and eat a few pieces of flatbread
Been blasting 750 mg sust, 400mg masteron, 300 mg eq weekly for last 4 weeks now. Sitting right around 200lb pretty lean (12-13%bf). Strength has dropped a little since ending the tren e. +nbtm liquidex, hcgenerate along with clomid, nolvadex and before i start pct I'll blast hcg for a week (5x 1000iu)
I'm thinking about stretching the masteron, eq and sust yet another 4 weeks after what I have left which should be around 3-4 weeks worth. Loving the way this is making me look. Can't Stop eyeballing myself at the gym