Cheph's Tren E 200, Sustanon 500, Anadrol 50

Week 3 so far so good. Starting to swell up, really can't wait for the tren to kick in fully. Weighed at 198 today at the gym, everything is starting to come along

Yea your in for a tren ride - What out for the curves !!
Pinned 100mg tren and ca.125mg sustanon and ofcourse my morning 50mg drol will take another 50mg later about 3h before gym time. Was supposed to rest Saturday but decided to do an upper body workout anyway (shoulders,biceps,triceps,chest and back and traps ofcourse). Feeling fuckin great and can't wait to workout tonight !!

Oh yea so last night was first night of those shitty night sweats, woke up 3 times in a pool of sweat my wife asked me if I had pissed in my sleep. Told her it was the tren and went back to sleep
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I'm turning into a fuxkin animal ! Holy shit ! I'm
Sure everyone at my gym knows I'm juicing hard. I fuxkin love tren !!
Pinned 400mg tren today, didn't expect the vial to contain 2ml buy it did so wtf ever, also ran 250mg Sustanon (sust) in shoulder. Monster workout this morning, swelling up real fuckin good with low bodyfat. People are complementing me at the gym lately and askin for tips (if they only knew). So next week and in future I'll stay at 400mg tren a week but this 600mg this week will just be an extra boost I suppose

I can't believe I'm actually getting 10ml per bottle !!!
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Weighed in at 200lb today, that's a gain of 15lb in just under 4 weeks

I don't know why the pic turned sideways
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Yesterday I finished my last dose of drol and pinned 200mg tren and 100mg Sustanon (sust). Definitely tell the tren is starting to work, last night added an easy 20-40lb on each and very workout. Also getting really vascular. Starting to feel more and more tren sides, insomnia and more night sweats but not nearly as bad as on ace
i am gonna be starting my fourth cycle and was planning on running test e 250 and super tren 150 with dbol preload? .5ml of test and 1ml of tren twice a week and dbol three 10mg tabs everyday i lift {about 6 days a wk} how does this sound. first time with tren is why they are low numbers.
Pinned 200mg tren today, looking tighter now that I'm not on adrol. Lost 3lb I'm at 197 now so not a bad loss.

And still don't know why my pics are Uploaded sideways even though they are taken upright.
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Pinned another 200mg tren and ca.100mg Sustanon (sust) just now. Weighed in at 198lb. Very vascular and strength has increased alot. Really noticing the tren now. Idk if I should up the dose a little from 400mg to 500mg or just keep doing what I have been. I have 18 ml left after 5 weeks