How did you like the adrol?
Pinned 225mg tren and 250mg Sustanon (sust) today. Feeling great. Log getting boring to write in so I might skip a week of updating
Ok updating this a bit. Add I was pinning the fuxkin fire alarm goes off in my building. So now i'm halfway injected in my ass and my daughter starts screaming her head off due to the alarm. So I'm walking carefully to her room with the needle still in my ass. Cover the alarm and she calms down. I finish injecting, wait 10 secs and pull out. A fucking stream of blood comes flying out all over the floor so I put my finger to stop it and it does. Didn't notice any gear on the floor so might just have struck a vein while pulling out. Was crazy it looked like there was a faucet in my ass cheek where blood was squirting out.
Lmao holy shit bro!! You went walking around with the needle stuck in your ass?! That's gotta make for some bad PIP no? LOL. Funny ass story tho. I doubt you lost any gear or even anything of a significant amount at all.
Looks like you're having fun on this tren rideYoure cutting up pretty well. Keep up the hard work and good luck with the rest of the cycle bro!
Juced Porkchop has a pretty good sticky on peptides
30 yrs old
4 months after last cycle
Week 1-5 - 100mg Anadrol ed
Week 1-12 - 400mg tren E weekly
Week 1-12 - 300mg sustanon weekly
Week 12-15 - 500mg sustanon weekly
Week 1-13 - 500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) twice weekly
Week 13-15 - 2500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) a week
Week 1-15 - caber .5mg e3d
Week 1-15 - anastrozole .25mg e3d
Also going to run NAC liver support
Clomid - 300 day 1, 100/100/50/50
Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20
Will be doing a 8 week diet by 3J
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Never heard of their gear. Have you used before?? And the 3J diet..with gear assist! From what I've read and seen in pics, you're gonna get awesome results. Looking forward to "after" pics??