chocalate and sugary sweets how bad

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i have a real weakness chocalate bars sugary sweets biscuits coffee and tea with two sugars. how bad actually is all this stuff for a hobbie body builder like my self are they a big NO NO a good thing is i dont drink alcohol alot at all (once every now and then)
Do you honestly have to ask? I think you already know the answer. If not then just eat away cause at that point sugar is the least of your concerns. P.S. Bodybuilding is not a hobbie. It is blood, and sweat. Bodybuilders work their ass off don't demean their effort by calling it a hobbie. I believe the term for someone like yourself is fitness enthusiast. I've trained for ten years and I would still never call my self a bodybuilder.
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Humdiddly, you seem a bit tweaked today...everything cool?

@ OP - what kinds of portions are we talking about? Like a square of a hershey bar a week or Lamar Odom's $800 candy budget a week? It all depends man. Some guys are real good about losing their sweet tooth and they generally don't touch the stuff anymore, but if you do have some cravings for that...then shit... squeeze in a cheat snack. But don't get carried away. Personally I don't feel the need, but a lot of my buddies work very hard in the gym just the same and they do the occasional candy bar binge. So it's your decision. Hopefully some other guys will chime in here and give you their opinions too.

Edit: Humdiddly was correct though, asking if you can eat chocolate and sugary sweets while dedicating yourself to the Iron is like asking a catholic priest if you can bang the's sacrilegious man!
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Edit: Humdiddly was correct though, asking if you can eat chocolate and sugary sweets while dedicating yourself to the Iron is like asking a catholic priest if you can bang the's sacrilegious man!

LOL! Yeah I guess I was a bit tweaked last night. Changing the diet up and upped the doses on cycle. Just working my ass off and some dude is talking about sugar in his tea and eating chocolate then calls bodybuilding a hobby? It's like a 24hr job. Guess I got a bit heated though.
LOL! Yeah I guess I was a bit tweaked last night. Changing the diet up and upped the doses on cycle. Just working my ass off and some dude is talking about sugar in his tea and eating chocolate then calls bodybuilding a hobby? It's like a 24hr job. Guess I got a bit heated though.

sorry dude it was a stupid question i was just feeling guilty i ate a load of choclate and ur right hobby was a retarded word to use bro lol:axe: enjoy ur cycle man
Fatty fatty 2x4 couldn't fit thru the bathroom door turned around and shit on the kitchen floor.
everytime you want that stuff sing this.
35 yrs old i sound like i'm 11 lol i had a moument. lol
imo there are 3 levels to this, and many sports... pro, amature, hobbyist... if you arent competing, you are a hobbyist...

someone who snowboards twice a year still snowboards right? so someone who lifts several times a week could certainly be called a hobbyist bodybuilder.

If you arent competing, then i wouldnt stress out about it to much, depending on your goals... 10 cals worth of sugar isnt going to kill you, or make you fat. If you are drinking 5 cups of coffee though, it adds up... and candy bars? havent touched one in years, but there are better things out there for you..

guess i just wanted to say , bottom line, dont take this, or anything in life to seriously... youll never get out alive.
It's all relative to your body type. In our sport, there is a time to eat sugar. Such as after a workout. But that doesn't mean pound five chocolate bars after a workout. Also, remember that refined sugar is not natural. And it takes your body on an insulin rollercoaster. If you had a hard workout and need to replenish muscle glycogen, great. But byeond that, it's pretty much useless calories, in my opinion.
Anything in moderation is okay. However I suggest if you're craving sweets you eat fruit, sugar free jello, sugar free pudding, sugar free popsicles, and low fat whippping cream.

I also have a horrible horrible sweet tooth which I find hard to keep under control.

You can also buy sugar free chocolate but there is a bit of other junky carbs in there, and it is sooooo expensive.
i eat pounds of chocolate and take skinny dips in fudge every day...

god i love my diabetes... lmfao
MMMMMMM chocalate i eat dark chocalate with nuts !!! only in small amounts when on a lean diet once a week ! and use some thing like splender in my coffee biscuts no unless they have protein in them !!! ha
There is no evidence to suggest that candy is the cause to any person not achieving their greatest physique.

A calorie is a calorie. Now, that doesn't mean that your diet should consume of calories coming from junk food, that just isn't nutritionally sound. To squeeze a candy bar in every day or two, especially when bulking, is not all that bad. Just eat in moderation.

Don't stress too much about your diet. If you're on 90% of the time, feel free to reward yourself every now and then.
Well, considering most "Protein" bars today are just candy bars with a little added protein, I don't see why it would be so bad to eat those if you just absolutely need a sugar fix.

I'm not going to lie, though. I miss snickers bars and Mcdonalds. I haven't had either in 5 or so years.'

But then again... 208lbs at 8%bf... I'll take that over a candy bar and a few cheeseburgers.
When I need a snack

I like to eat Lara bars. There found in the organic section . No refined sugar or corn syrup. Have also been drinking cell tec after my workouts to get some dextrose. Its still a simple carb( sugar )though.