Chocolate Milk after a workout? A myth?


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Is it true that drinking a glass of chocolate milk after a hard workout is good for you? There's so much sugar and fat in the milk tho, I can't possibly see how it would benefit you, besides the protein? Please somebody enlighten me.
Just do a Google. There are a few articles on the pros and cons. If I were a powerlifter again, I'd drink it. Right now I prefer to be dairy-free and stick to Vitargo and HWPI. Or a higher GI carb source in a solid form and HWPI.
There are alot of people and alot of made up shit, do what makes you feel good and gets your goals its hard to get to the top when you are trying to imitate another person, you have to set your own routine. I like a hefty amount of BCAA's and a unfavoured Whey-Isolate shake after my workout, again do what makes you feel good.
I had heard something like that on one of those "BS I'm a doctor and you should listen to me Oprah spin off shows" that I was forced to listen to at a haircut one time.... Anyway, the concept was, if I remember his theory, that it helped in the ATP and recovery procecss. But I'm not entirely a fan of all the sugar for sure! Its a great carb blast though and 15-20g of protien. I've tried it mixed with my whey powder, which makes for a very smooth protien drink!
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Is it true that drinking a glass of chocolate milk after a hard workout is good for you? There's so much sugar and fat in the milk tho, I can't possibly see how it would benefit you, besides the protein? Please somebody enlighten me.

80's and 90's pro bb Eddy Robinson swore by chocolate milk and a banana right after workouts. don't recall his exact reasoning but it was in a book he published about bulking call "big".
just to add a little perspective to this, look at yourself and decide if you can afford the extra cals in the choc milk. if so, go for it.
I used to drink chocolate milk after a workout and I can tell you from experience that there is little to no difference between that and eating real foods. Maybe there is some truth to the chocolate milk thing, but I don't think it that big a difference. If you like chocolate milk and want an excuse for drinking it then go ahead and do so, if you don't like chocolate milk then don't drink it.

There's no magic food that'll get you big and ripped. It's all a combination of training, eating healthy, and maybe a little gear on the side.
i can see how it would be beneficial.. milk has protein, the chocolate has the simple sugars needed after training. mix some whey in and sounds like a good post workout meal. oh and the cocoa in it causes some mild vasodialation which is always a plus. wouldnt work for me since i cant stomach milk at all
i can see how it would be beneficial.. milk has protein, the chocolate has the simple sugars needed after training. mix some whey in and sounds like a good post workout meal. oh and the cocoa in it causes some mild vasodialation which is always a plus. wouldnt work for me since i cant stomach milk at all

Damn that sucks man... go for the Choco Almond milk! My kids can't handle milk either, so my house is lactose free anyway. I figure if its only real amount of sugar I'm getting that day, its my post workout treat! If I'm cutting, another story though.
Damn that sucks man... go for the Choco Almond milk! My kids can't handle milk either, so my house is lactose free anyway. I figure if its only real amount of sugar I'm getting that day, its my post workout treat! If I'm cutting, another story though.
No can do, im allergic to almonds & all tree nuts Hahaha, the only ones i can eat are peanuts which are like the least nutritious haha. i did find a way i could tolerate milk and thats making it into kefir or culturing it into yogurt. other than that no go...