CJC -1295 wo DAC Mixing problems


New member
I'm currently using GHRP-6 no issues, so ordered some CJC -1295.

After mixing the first vial straight from being delivered, no problem, apart from some minute pieces sticking to the inside of the vial, the rest was clear.

Put the other sealed in the fridge, a week later pulled one out and added water, but it won't mix cleanly, there's little pieces floating about.

I left the vial in the fridge overnight, but in the morning, same story.

I use 0.9 saline solution for injection (no access to bac water) trickle it in gently, 2ml water for 2mg peptide then roll it gently.

Any idea what's wrong or how I can get this stuff to mix? The next 2 bottles were the same.
Update: I left one bottle out of the fridge at room temperature all day. It then mixed ok rolling the bottle. I then emailed my supplier, he said you have to shake it for 5 to 10 minutes after adding the water, which is the opposite of what most people say.
Shaking isn't going to hurt it. Shake the shit out out it and refrigerate. I mix mine at room temp before I refrigerate. What company did you use?
An UGL. Shook it a lot but some of them have fine dust floating inside still. Will that hurt to inject?
I wouldn't guess it would, the gathered clumps will just be broke down by your body. But if it takes a while for your body to do it a few days or so look for it to cause some irritation. Like swelling or itchiness. I wouldn't expect anything bad as long as you're pinning I.m. or subq and not spiking a vien. Intravenously that could pose a risk. But I'd say your good because I've mixed vials of pepetides and used them like 2 hours later and it's not settled which basically makes it the same situation as yours and I'm still alive.
There is no reason a peptide should not fully reconstitute. To say the purity is in question is an understatement. Will it hurt you, I have no idea.