CJC-1295noDAC/GHRP-2 is what i need?


National Champion
im pretty much new with the peptides.I am 22 y.o national champion in my country on the bodybuilding classic junior category .Stats 242LBS 6"3 13%BF.I have done 4 AAS cycles so far , very low dosages and mild stuff with good pcts, i run my tests and everything seems healthy , but i decided to stop the use of aas since it is not what i am after :) I am looking for something that is healthy , may be expensive, but can provide me with the real bodybuilding quality muscle, and very potent fat loss at the same time, but also that does not mess with my testosterone or my estrogen , and ofcourse no need for PCTs.
I am very confident for my training , i am a personal trainer my self. My caloric intake will be something like 4.500 cals per day , with clean carbs , low fats ,and high protein ofcourse.
After some research ,i outlined that a CJC-1295noDAC/GHRP-2 stack matches my goal(300mgs/ED,pins 3x a day) . Maybe add a fat burner on that like clen or t3 to increase the fat burning proccess?
1) How soon should i experience any results of a cycle like that ?how soon will i experience the fat loss , and start noticing some muscle gains?
2) How long should i run them ?
3) No sides?
4) SubQ injections? depending on where the fat is stored?( fat burning effect mostly topical like HGH ?)
5) Is it worth its money? i calculated the cost to be like 25-40 EURO weekly, on a dosage of 300mgs ED on both
6)T3 or Clen helpful stacked with them ?

I can use some info and opinions here guys! thanks!
The same length as hgh 3-6 months to see real results. If you can sneak 1 more pin in 4x a day your out come will be double. When you pin before meals look at it like you're not absorbing the fat from those meals cause it actually won't be much fat that is allowed to be deposit to you're body. So it makes sense the more pins during the day before meals the greater the fat loss. Eat low glycemic carbs beans wheat bread as such. Add these 4 things to your diet apple cider vinegar - coconut oil- lemon and or lime concentrate - cinnamon. Coconut oil is a medium fatty acid and the best to take with high carb meals because it slows digestion and causing less insulin. 1 shot of apple cider vinegar in the morning on a empty stomach, the rest of the day you can splash lemon and lime concentrate into your water and drink it with your meals. It makes you more insulin sensitive. Cinnamon has the same effect eat it on your meals or supplement with cinnamon pills. Apples and broccoli are also high in alkaline cause the same effect as lemon and lime, and the apple cider vinegar. The lower you keep your insulin with your foods and diet you'll have better results with the peptides. Take the peptides on a empty stomach you'll have a higher pulse then if you have food in your gut.
I've seen some people say protien is ok you can't eat carbs or fat, they are stupid don't listen to that, whey protien causes a insulin spike almost as high as sugar a quick Google search will prove that true with studies...so no food empty stomach. After consumption of egcg for 90 days your natural hgh can triple. It has to be dosed twice a day at atleast 600-700mg and results dont start till after 90 days. Hope this helped.
The same length as hgh 3-6 months to see real results. If you can sneak 1 more pin in 4x a day your out come will be double. When you pin before meals look at it like you're not absorbing the fat from those meals cause it actually won't be much fat that is allowed to be deposit to you're body. So it makes sense the more pins during the day before meals the greater the fat loss. Eat low glycemic carbs beans wheat bread as such. Add these 4 things to your diet apple cider vinegar - coconut oil- lemon and or lime concentrate - cinnamon. Coconut oil is a medium fatty acid and the best to take with high carb meals because it slows digestion and causing less insulin. 1 shot of apple cider vinegar in the morning on a empty stomach, the rest of the day you can splash lemon and lime concentrate into your water and drink it with your meals. It makes you more insulin sensitive. Cinnamon has the same effect eat it on your meals or supplement with cinnamon pills. Apples and broccoli are also high in alkaline cause the same effect as lemon and lime, and the apple cider vinegar. The lower you keep your insulin with your foods and diet you'll have better results with the peptides. Take the peptides on a empty stomach you'll have a higher pulse then if you have food in your gut.
I've seen some people say protien is ok you can't eat carbs or fat, they are stupid don't listen to that, whey protien causes a insulin spike almost as high as sugar a quick Google search will prove that true with studies...so no food empty stomach. After consumption of egcg for 90 days your natural hgh can triple. It has to be dosed twice a day at atleast 600-700mg and results dont start till after 90 days. Hope this helped.

I guess i could shout 4 times on some days , but 3 will be my standard , since i live with my parents and i am not comfortable enough! that means i should shoot a whole extra dose? or just adjust the overdal daily dose to 4 shoots? i mean , am i staying at 300mg/day on both cjc and ghrp , or up it to 400 ?
Comparing the lean mass gain , and the fat loss, how would you compare a cjc and ghrp stack , to an AAS cycle?
Sth last , i hear the bottles come in dust not liquid? and you mix them like pregnyl ? they mostly sell 2mg cjc's and 5mg ghrps. that means with 300mg ed i need 1 bottle of cjc , and half bottle of ghrp every week?
your posts are very helpful mate!
Your dosage stays at 100mcg per pin. So 4x=400mcg yes. Aas will make you bigger faster. It'll take a full 6 months of lifting and using peptides to see a reasonable difference in mass gains. You'll just never loose the gains. Even if you cut and loose some size when you bulk it comes right back. Doing aas with peptides gives fantastic results. I alternate using this combo. Ghrp2 cjc-1295 then igf1-lr3 then back to ghrp2 cjc..If you don't cycle igf then 4 weeks of ghrp2 cjc then you should do 2 weeks of ipamorelin or ghrp6 then you can switch back to ghrp2. This keeps the ghrp2 at full strength. At 100mcg each 2mg bottle gives 20x pins a 5mg bottle gives 50x pins
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Your dosage stays at 100mcg per pin. So 4x=400mcg yes. Aas will make you bigger faster. It'll take a full 6 months of lifting and using peptides to see a reasonable difference in mass gains. You'll just never loose the gains. Even if you cut and loose some size when you bulk it comes right back. Doing aas with peptides gives fantastic results. I alternate using this combo. Ghrp2 cjc-1295 then igf1-lr3 then back to ghrp2 cjc..If you don't cycle igf then 4 weeks of ghrp2 cjc then you should do 2 weeks of ipamorelin or ghrp6 then you can switch back to ghrp2. This keeps the ghrp2 at full strength. At 100mcg each 2mg bottle gives 20x pins a 5mg bottle gives 50x pins

i have a source that can provide me with fat solving injections that include as ingredients:
Hyaluronic acid

since you are mentioning IGF so frequently i guess a stack with of the igf product , with ghrp and cjc will work wonders...