clean vs junk bulk


Iron Man

height 5'8
weight 145
status : ectomorph with extreme metabolism.
age 18
serial number 193 143 145 135 :-p

just wonderin if i should continue trying to bulk by eating more healthy food as opposed to pigging out on anything and everything.. i am not planning on doing any bb shows.. i wan to look good and get bigger/stronger/healthier.. but i am not happy with myself being so small.

with a fast metabolism .. should i be worried about what kind of bulk i go on? i am pretty cut id say.. bf% around 7 i think. (online test)

i have the chance to go see a nutrionalist soon.. do u think it would be worth my while??
I'm also an ectomorph, and I usually eat somewhere between a clean and dirty bulk almost year round.

Usually anything besides sugars and sweets I consider fair game.
Just be carefull with junk food. It doesn't contain macro-nutrients, is low in protein, and often is made with harmful chemicals. All this high-fructose corn syrup they are putting in cheap junk food now has been linked to health problems. Eating healthy isn't easy, but it will benefit you in the end. Dr. Weil is not my favorite nutritionist, but his books outline the health hazards caused by different chemicals being put into food (most of which is junk food).
Eat well, high calorie foods are ok, just stay away from so called empty calories--too much fast food, sweets, chips, instead eat good healthy foods as much as you are able. Talk to a nutritionist, but remember these people often do not understand why anyone would want to gain weight and they are rarely sympathetic to bodybuilders.
Nutritionist are taught, and therefore preach, the RDA. 50 g protein, 2,500 cals etc. I wouldn't talk to them, I would go to a personal trainer. Personal trainers have a good amount of education and know the formulas you need. They understand bb's a lot better.
thanks for the advice...

i think this nutritionalist would be good thuogh.. because he does nutrition for amateur and professional bb in canada aswell.. so i think he will understand.. i told him already i might want to meet with him, and i wanna gain weight.. he said he could set me up on a good mass diet :D just dunno if it be worth it...