Calorie Intake Help Clean Bulk


New member
Hey guys I'm going to be doing a Test E + Dbol Cycle and Was wondering how many calories I should be taking daily I want to do a clean bulk do not gain as much fat. My height is currently 6,2 I weight 173 and my body type is ectomorph but not really skinny also I am currently 20 years old ATM. I will be taking 400mg of test e every week and 40mg dbol a day.
WTF man, apparently nobody reads any of the sticky threads for newbs?!?!?! Sigh. Don't even think about running ANY amount of AAS for at least another 5 years. WTF is wrong with people these days??? Talk to 3J if you want to put on size, don't touch AAS with a ten foot fucking pole! Damn.
I mean I'm really wanting to start after 4 months of working out I mean I honestly dont want to wait 2 more years I already have everything ready just need to set up a plan.
I mean I'm really wanting to start after 4 months of working out I mean I honestly dont want to wait 2 more years I already have everything ready just need to set up a plan.

Wait man , don't screw ur Hpta at this age.
Read what careverlli told u .. Start at 25.
What if I use hcg to reproduce the testosterone wouldn't that help if I did do the cycle?

No matter what u use , any hit to ur Hpta before it's completely developed would be not wise, this could lead to difficulty in recovery .. Which could put u in trt in the near future..
U still young and u have lots of time to get where u want to be .. Be patient.
No matter what u use , any hit to ur Hpta before it's completely developed would be not wise, this could lead to difficulty in recovery .. Which could put u in trt in the near future..
U still young and u have lots of time to get where u want to be .. Be patient.
I see I appreciate the help so even if it's my first cycle whats the chance of it messing with my hpta?
I see I appreciate the help so even if it's my first cycle whats the chance of it messing with my hpta?

No one can tell. Some people can't recover from a test only cycle, some others recover well from heavy insane cycles ..
Keep in mind , the younger u get into the game (less than mid 20s) the more risk of screwing urself ..
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I see I appreciate the help so even if it's my first cycle whats the chance of it messing with my hpta?

are you willing to have to inject exogenous testosterone into your body for the rest of your life, rather than wait 2 years and be sure?
80 years vs 2 years.....

No matter how much pressure you feel to perform, be bigger, impress ladies/men, win can do that at 25 as well. Guaranteed your diet won't be 100%, which means you can make the SAME gains from fixing your diet than you would using steroids. It'll be cheaper and won't fuck you up for life.

Forget that you may already have obtained certain steroidal compounds. iIt's a small speeding ticket on the road to greatness you'll go down by doing things properly.
No matter what u use , any hit to ur Hpta before it's completely developed would be not wise, this could lead to difficulty in recovery .. Which could put u in trt in the near future..
U still young and u have lots of time to get where u want to be .. Be patient.
RIDA your English is amazingly correct lol


As is his reasoning as the others members input. In addition to your body young sir, little attention is paid to the long term effect of aas to your mind. I started young, to young. And I went pretty far in local regional contests. But I am a slave to trt, prone to wild mood swings ( but nothing like when 5 years ago ) and have a very violent past due to my natural genetics plus the fact that aas fed my rage, depression, divorce, losing access to a kid for 3 years as people were scared of me.

Please post a pic so we can see what we re dealing with OK ? I can see you at 6 ft 2 inches 205 pounds at age 23 ripped as hell without ever sticking a needle in your ass, losing a gf or 6 do due temper ( at your age come on ) erection problems, mood swings.

I ll make a bet with you. Get w 3j for some diet tips, learn to train like a powerlifter, stick around and do not go to another forum just cuz we want you to help you not hurt yourself OK. If you give me 6 months of living the life to put on mass natural up photo s of your progress...proof your not just another " I want to be big NOW NOW NOW..." child.. and I will let you tell me what gear you have in hand and set you on the path to using what you have correctly. This ain t beer and weed or getting a tattoo. You are fucking with your bodies main operating systems including your mind. Trust me. I am really beat up physically, challenged to get out of bed. My brain is 5 times worse off...all do to aas.
U have my word. Do everything as your told for 6 months; eating, training resting.....I will assist you.

Do not let the guy selling you gear tell you jack or shit ok? He s just moving product.
WTF man, apparently nobody reads any of the sticky threads for newbs?!?!?! Sigh. Don't even think about running ANY amount of AAS for at least another 5 years. WTF is wrong with people these days??? Talk to 3J if you want to put on size, don't touch AAS with a ten foot fucking pole! Damn.

EZ bro lol. I totally get your exasperation but he s 20, I was 20, you were 20. I m glad he told the truth and took the abuse. I m not mad at all...but.....
RIDA your English is amazingly correct lol


As is his reasoning as the others members input. In addition to your body young sir, little attention is paid to the long term effect of aas to your mind. I started young, to young. And I went pretty far in local regional contests. But I am a slave to trt, prone to wild mood swings ( but nothing like when 5 years ago ) and have a very violent past due to my natural genetics plus the fact that aas fed my rage, depression, divorce, losing access to a kid for 3 years as people were scared of me.

Please post a pic so we can see what we re dealing with OK ? I can see you at 6 ft 2 inches 205 pounds at age 23 ripped as hell without ever sticking a needle in your ass, losing a gf or 6 do due temper ( at your age come on ) erection problems, mood swings.

I ll make a bet with you. Get w 3j for some diet tips, learn to train like a powerlifter, stick around and do not go to another forum just cuz we want you to help you not hurt yourself OK. If you give me 6 months of living the life to put on mass natural up photo s of your progress...proof your not just another " I want to be big NOW NOW NOW..." child.. and I will let you tell me what gear you have in hand and set you on the path to using what you have correctly. This ain t beer and weed or getting a tattoo. You are fucking with your bodies main operating systems including your mind. Trust me. I am really beat up physically, challenged to get out of bed. My brain is 5 times worse off...all do to aas.
U have my word. Do everything as your told for 6 months; eating, training resting.....I will assist you.

Do not let the guy selling you gear tell you jack or shit ok? He s just moving product.

Great detailed post as usual T.. Coming from a guy that had it all .. The sweet and the bitter of the bodybuilding world..

On a side note , each time I post , I'm scared someone would kick my ass due to my screwed up English skills :)

Thnx god , my post went well today , grammar wise , wheeew

T bro, I love you. No homo
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RIDA your English is amazingly correct lol


As is his reasoning as the others members input. In addition to your body young sir, little attention is paid to the long term effect of aas to your mind. I started young, to young. And I went pretty far in local regional contests. But I am a slave to trt, prone to wild mood swings ( but nothing like when 5 years ago ) and have a very violent past due to my natural genetics plus the fact that aas fed my rage, depression, divorce, losing access to a kid for 3 years as people were scared of me.

Please post a pic so we can see what we re dealing with OK ? I can see you at 6 ft 2 inches 205 pounds at age 23 ripped as hell without ever sticking a needle in your ass, losing a gf or 6 do due temper ( at your age come on ) erection problems, mood swings.

I ll make a bet with you. Get w 3j for some diet tips, learn to train like a powerlifter, stick around and do not go to another forum just cuz we want you to help you not hurt yourself OK. If you give me 6 months of living the life to put on mass natural up photo s of your progress...proof your not just another " I want to be big NOW NOW NOW..." child.. and I will let you tell me what gear you have in hand and set you on the path to using what you have correctly. This ain t beer and weed or getting a tattoo. You are fucking with your bodies main operating systems including your mind. Trust me. I am really beat up physically, challenged to get out of bed. My brain is 5 times worse off...all do to aas.
U have my word. Do everything as your told for 6 months; eating, training resting.....I will assist you.

Do not let the guy selling you gear tell you jack or shit ok? He s just moving product.

This ^^^ ! Take heed bro! To top it off your adding Dbol and Teste in what sounds like your first Cycle plan Ever, with no mention of PCT and a whole bunch of other stuff. You've been flamed enough so just gonna say really think about this big time bro. No one is trying to keep any secrets from you. Sell all your gear if you can right now. The guys on here know what they are talking about. T's telling you from first hand real life experience, not from what he read on some obscure book he pulled out of his "where the sun don't shine" region. After 2 years, with your diet and time elapsed you might not even need to pin at all. For your sake, hope it sinks in!
youre underweight.. i can add 2lbs a week naturally on you with correct nutrition and training..

its likely you dont know how to eat to grow.. steroids are not a magic pill.. they do not defy the laws of physics.. you have to take in mass to add mass.. universal truth..

youre going to run this cycle.. bloat up with water thinking you look great.. then complain after pct that you cant keep your gains from a cycle because your nutrition is piss poor..

get in the diet section brother..
well....we tried....hope he does not do what the local drug dealer / guru say s...those fukkers give US a bad name g d it.

The rest of you young bucks...did my d bol cycle at 18...swoll up...pissed it out...repeated that shit for 2 years..then I learned to EAT

dAMN IT feel like we lost one there..ya ll under 30-35...check your 50 I got like 4 yr s stability...aas can be a mind fuck.
well....we tried....hope he does not do what the local drug dealer / guru say s...those fukkers give US a bad name g d it.

The rest of you young bucks...did my d bol cycle at 18...swoll up...pissed it out...repeated that shit for 2 years..then I learned to EAT

dAMN IT feel like we lost one there..ya ll under 30-35...check your 50 I got like 4 yr s stability...aas can be a mind fuck.
I see I appreciate the help definitely not going to mess with that stuff then. Is their anything out their though I can take for my age that's okay?
I see I appreciate the help definitely not going to mess with that stuff then. Is their anything out their though I can take for my age that's okay?

For your age, Look to those in the know about packing on serious mass with just proper diet and training. I have not used him myself, but read some great things from onk.. about 3J and how he helped him build a great base and even step on stage without aas. Pm him and that should get the ball rolling. Glad you haven't run off to some corner and started pinning yourself and ingesting all the dbol you can get yet your hands on, *we all hope*
Good luck mate!
Look into compound movements ...bench deadlift squat...if you stick around ask in the training thread about these and why they are the wat to pack some meat...add OF SEX...seriously dude. It ll make your test go up some but right now your hpta is not mess OK ?

Go to diet section if money s tight..we ll throw you some basic tips..
