Clen 3 weeks in

Blown_SC said:
If you're going to suggest an Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) without test, I would suggest Var at a similar dosage. ALOT less havoc on the joints, etc...

and if I was going to suggest something to him, it would be to shut the fuck up.

Turtle, you are a fucking moron. Why would he take any of those things you described.

1. T3 should not be used without AAS.
2. No cycle of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) should be without test, but if so, certainly not two 17aas.
3. He doesn't even diet right so how the fuck is he gonna utilize the T3 properly.

I think what you need to do is stop giving bad advice and do some research of your own. Unless of course you are the typical 365lb, 4%BF internet BBer.
He has Winstrol (winny) and D-Bol. So I picked the best of those. How the fuck do I know what his diet is. Yeah I know Winstrol (winny) is tough on joints but thats not the question asked.
I use test and deca in all my cycles and stay away from Winstrol (winny). I was just answer the fucking question as it was asked. I also mentioned mass loss with T3 and no juice.
So I'll shut the fuck up and let you answer all the fucking questions, asshole.
The thing with clen is that it stops working. What type of diet are you doing. Im doing a Timed Carb Diet right now with no drugs and in 5 week (with 4 days off diet cause i was sick) im down over 6% bf and strenght is still gaining every week
i used clen 2wks lipodrene w ephedra 2 wks then back on clen. ate clean wanted to lose bf. dropped 5lbs 225lbs down from 230 looking for another 5 to 10. im happy with results. my diet is set so i dont drop alot of weight real fast afraid to eat up muscle. cardio 25-30 mins stepper 3x wk weights 4x a week. belt on waist all the way in may need to punch more holes. my key is clean eating limit complex carbs and fats and small meals 5-6 x a day. PS i had to double lipodrene dose to see some effect.