Clen or ephedrine


New member
hi there, im new to this forum.. i was wondering which one is better to take and why?

and can someone tell me how to start the clen cycle off:


Ill second that BB.

Typical dosages:


Week 1- 10mg/200mg/81mg
Week 2- 20mg/200mg/81mg
Week 3- off. take benadryl or Keto at night before bed to clear beta-2 receptors.
Week 4- 30mg/200mg/81mg
Week 5- 40mg/200mg/81mg


Day 1 20mg
Day 2 40mg
Day 3 60mg
Day 4 80mg
Day 5 80-100mg
Day 6-12 100mg
Day 13 80mg
Day 14 60mg
The clen cycle looks good, but I taper it up slower, just go by how I feel. And I do not taper down at the end. 2 weeks on one week off, with benedryl in the second week on and the week off.
aren't these two alternated every two weeks to avoid a drug tolerance--to keep things working effectively?
aren't these two alternated every two weeks to avoid a drug tolerance--to keep things working effectively?


That Was a big misconception that MOST users of these compounds made a few years back but a few still do.

The theory behind it was after 2 weeks of clen you needed to give you beta 2 receptors a break. If you didnt the effects of the clen would quickly start tapering off. So During the time off in between clen people would take ephedra. Only problem is, ephedra works on the same exact beta 2 receptors that the clen works on. So during the week off in between clen when you are supposed to be trying to up regulate your receptors, you just bombarding them with ephedra.

Still to this day I read about people doing this and it makes no sense. You should use either Keto or Benydril at night and run the clen or ephedra for 4-5 weeks straight. The keto of benydril will keep your beta receptors clear for this amount of time.
I choose ECA. People respond differently to Clen..I'm one of the ones who gets uncontrollable shakes that DON'T stop after the first couple days. Although with ECA the last time I used it after about 3-4 weeks I started getting headaches and seeing spots so I had to discontinue using it. Was at about 400mg of caffeine and 32mg of E per day though. Never used aspirin with any of my EC stacks though. I'm on the DNP bandwagon now and it's a whole different ballgame.
I run clen/ketotifen for 6 weeks straight. Max out on the clen at 100mcg/day. I do not taper down. No need to.
was wanting to do eca stack but ephedrine is illegal where i come from wat is another aternative for it cant get clen so was looking for substitute for ephedrine with something....:dunno:
BPI has a new fat burner called ECA Roxy Lean. I've heard some good reviews on it. As for the Clen, the sides are way worst in my opinion.
sides from clen are different for everyone for example ive taken up to 160mcg of clen and still no sides
You should start with ephedrine because the sides of the clen were worse for me.

What can you expect to feel from clen? I got some Geneza clenbuterol 40mcg tablets... I took 20mcg yesterday morning then another 20mcg afternoon, no effects. I took one tablet this morning then went to sleep... woke up 3 hours later and still didnt feel anything... never had any jitters or anything like that and no increase in body temperature... How much should I increase the dosage? Ive read to take it at different times. Not sure if its real, but I got a lot of other stuff Geneza havent taken yet (Test E, ancilliaries, T3)... got it from reputable source tho, so not sure wtf.
Try the eca stack first and then take some time off and give the clen a try if the eca stack wasn't to hard on you, I find clen to have far more sides then the eca stack, I usually run ephedrine at 72mg caffeine at 200-400mg and 1 aspirin per day, I do this for 2 weeks and then stop because after two weeks I know longer feel high body temp or sides, I don't take benedryl i just take about 2 to 3 weeks off before I run it again. But don't jump right into the eca with high amounts of ephedrine work your way up to see where you can tolerate it. And don't over do it.
i just started ECA stack.

so far i like it..i would try it first as far as less side go.

Primatine from local pharmacy. anyone use it?
personally i prefer the EC stack over the clen. EC helps you curb your appetite which is always a plus. I have to remind my self to eat every now and then lol...Clen was ok but it just made me really hungry so it didnt really help me much.EC and cardio did a good job for me..went from from 25% bf to 19% in 6 months....but ive hit a wall..i took it 3 times a day. Im looking to try some DNP asap for the summer
Anyones skin on there hands start to peel after taking clen, talked to one of my doctors friends and they said it was a heat rash
good thread, would like to try this but dont have the slightest idea on where to get ECA at. any input is greatly appreciated.
