Clen Overdose


New member
anyone ever go over the norm, 125mcg per day, I am currenly on clen with my clomid and I can't feel a thing. I thought about bumping it up a little. Any thoughts?
Well if you believe that IP's tabs are really .4 mg, which is 20 times the "normal" tab, then I've taken a lot, as I've been up to a tab a day. Currently at 3/4 tab per day.
I've took 10 tabs of legit stuff and could feel my pulse everywhere in my body for 12 hours and I thought my head was gonna pop.
At 125 mcg I have tremors, headache and my heart beats like crazy. And the stuff works great.
Strange, what you guys say.
How long have you been on? This stuff takes time to kick in generally, I'd give it a week at least before I thought about bumping it.
I just got out of the pool and my chest got frickin' tight as hell. I couldn't find my puffer, so I went to take some clen (just for shits and giggles) and it was growing mold :( . I'm gonna have to get some more in the winter now for my cutter.
Nzom said:
I believe that clen uses carbs to heat your body up.

Sorry, but this does not mak any sense, bro. Of course our body uses calories (not just carbs) to heat. But if you use calories to burn calories whwre's the sense?
Definitely I use clen in low carb, and it works great for burning fat.
I am on 125mcg today this is my 6th day. I still have yet to feel the tremors or high heart rate. I am going to bump it up to about 140.....

On the other hand my GF is at about 70mcg and she has tremors badly....

So it is different for everyone!