Clen Post Cycle Cutter?


New member
Hey Fellas

I'm currently on my first cycle of:

500mg Testex Cyp
300mg Deca

I'm up to 176lbs from my start point of 165lbs but my bf% is goin through the roof!I'm now 18% and I expect to be 20% or more by the time I finish.

I'm gonna cycle Clen and ECA 2 weeks on/off straight after my last shot. I wanna get back down to 14% BF but I've been told not to diet down after a first cycle or I will risk losing my gains?

If I reach my goal of 195lbs by the end of my cycle, how many cals should I look to consume, considering I wanna keep my gains but also lose fat?

I was gonna up my cardio from 2x a week to 4x a week, what should I do?

Thanks, Jock
how far into your cycle are you? 500mg test 300mg deca and u only gained 10lbs with 2% more bodyfat somethings not right either your gear is fake, your diet sux, or your not that far into your cycle
So you are saying about 7 of your 11 pounds you have gained is fat?! Sounds like maybe your diet is not too good to me
Hey bros

I am 15 days into my cycle

My Diet Split

50% Carb 30% Protein 20% Fat


3500 per day (clean sources, rice, pasta, chicken, potatoes, vegetables, tuna etc I am going to increase to 4000 next week)


I haven't done any cardio for the first 2 weeks, but I started today

I have put 2 inches on to my waist, I don't know if this is fat but my belly feels bloated, I started off at 17% bodyfat and I'd guess I'm at 19/20% right now.

Whatcha think?

Thanks, Jock
Lose the rice, pasta, & potatoes. Oatmeal/Sweet Potato are a better source for complex carbs. And why all the carbs anyway bro? Your protein percentage and carb percentage are bass-ackwards in my opinion. It should be the other way around. 50% carbs is why you are getting fatter.

And why are you INCREASING your calories while you are saying here that "my bf% is through the roof"??? That doesn't make much sense bro.
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Thanks for the replies

I've used this diet split with great results in the past so I decided to stick with it for my first cycle, how does 40% Carb 40% Protein 20% Fat sound??

I only use brown rice, and I already eat oatmeal.

Thanks, Jock