clen up to day of contest?


New member
Ok i am currently taking t3 and clen and i am debating on if i should take one or the other or both up to the day of the show. I am trying to make a weight class so i definitely dont have time for any extra fat to be put on. My diet is very strict. What do you suggest?Anyone have anyexperience with it for contest wise?
Drop the clen on Thur as it causes cramping via depletion of Taurine in the body. Taurine supplimentation will help, but if you are using diuretics you really need to drop the clen. You won't lose anyting but water from 2 days out anyway.

Gotta thread for ya', bro...
Along with the reversing of the effects of insulin (and inhibiting the action of insulin) which results in a release of glycogen back into the blood stream as glucose and an inability to store or use more glycogen, it will increase the rate of protein and fat being burned in the body. For bodybuilders that appears to be the primary use of the drug. This thermogenisis and an increase in the rate of fat being burned usually has as a result that the metabolic rate of the subject its much higher and he burns more calories. This in turn results in loss of adipose tissue (the shedding of fat in other words) revealing a leaner physique with cuts and striations. The downside to this effect is that there is a concomitant rise in the rate of protein being burned. Where fat is robbed from the fatty tissue in the body, protein is generally robbed from the muscle. As with all catabolic hormones, in time muscle loss can and will occur. Which is why many opt to use this compound during a cycle of anabolic steroids that will help preserve the lean body mass while reducing the fat.

Here is a little info on clen to keep you busy.
Whenever i carb up and have clen present, i feel very uncomfortable and notice very poor glycogen uptake. So i avoid clen on my high carb days.