
BiggieSwolls said:
I dont mean to put more doubt in your head Exkon, but you really should feel a little jittery if its your first time using Clen. Then again, there are always exceptions to the rules right?

Hey I made this post for a reason, feel free to doubt me :)

From what I've been told, most LFC reps carry this same product. It used to come in 30 tab boxes but just recently got changed to 100 tab bottles.
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Exkon said:
So the faster your metabolism, the less clen you will need to feel the sides?

Hmm thats new info to me :) Damn if that is true and my clen is for real then my metabolism must suck.

I believe it is probably true (in addition to a probable variation based on your mass), just based on common sense, but common sense is quite often the opposite of true :). Maybe one of the docs or bros knowledgable about that sort of stuff can chime in.

I have the curse :) from my Mom's side of the family. No thyroid problems, but our "normal" temperature is at least a degree below normal. I have a fever at 98.6.... If I look at a piece of cake, my body stores it as fat, just to be on the safe side.