Clomid Dear Lord No need for coffee EOD


New member
Well looks like I don't need coffee in the mornings anymore...This stuff makes me feel plugged in to the wall. I can only handle around 25mg eod I CANNOT handle any dosage ed even 12.5 I am having troubble sleeping but do not feel the need for coffee in the morning anymore. My energy in the gym is insane I take it with erase pro. Am I getting negative feed back on the day I do not take it?? is it counter productive?
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Never heard of anyone getting such a strong stimulant effect from clomid. Only bloodwork will tell how it is affecting your hormones. I don't see what mechanism of action could cause clomid to have a such a powerful, acute effect on energy levels.
If it was clem he would be shaking

Sound like you getting caffein some where else. I've been at this for a long time and never heard of a stimulant effect from Clomid.
It is def legit if I take it every day I feel kinda tired if I take it eod I feel extreamly energetic my balls have dropped again and my sex drive is through the roof but the days I do not take it they are sucked back up in me.

I never came back all the way I used anavar about two months ago did torem with it and kind of came back but once I stoped the torem my balls sucked back up in me and I ordered clomid so I could get hpta back on track. (My hpta is damaged from a cycle 2 years ago anavar cycle def did not help out with this problem) I just ordered some HCG that I will run along side the clomid I droped the erase pro to see how I respond with just the clomid solo but still same results so far.

EOD energetic euphoric/angry
ED Insane tired and near beating people up that I do not like
I guess everyone reacts differently. Some say that they do not get crazy or angry on it when most say they do I guess im that rare percentage. The first two days I did 40mg then 25mg and I felt so high it was overwhelming I was in shock but the 3rd day I went bat Sh$&%& crazy than switched to eod.
If I dose it correctly I will feel like im on drugs lol. If I screw up I feel like I wanna jump off a cliff. Every time I up the dose I loose a friend or make an enemy scared of me. Rite now I feel amazing like I did when I was 14 years old I guess thats because my test is in check atm and im use to it being screwed up and low.
I felt kinda wired too off a restart with HCG....when taking clomid.
don't know if it was clomid or the high estro that was there coming off the HCG and adex.

The rest of the sides you discuss are in your head. Balls dont shrink up like that if u don't take clomid for a day. Clomids half life is 7 days.
Where did you get the idea of running both HCG and Clomid at the same time?