Clomid Nightmare


New member
About three weeks ago, I finished a 10 week cycle (Test, Deca, Db). I had no significant side affects except for a greatly elevated cholesterol and higher resting pulse rate. No acne or mood swings. After one week of the clomid (100mgs; 50am, 50pm), I broke out with the worste case of Acne I have ever seen much less had. Fortunately the stuff seems confined to my back and chest but it is all over the freeking place and so far, even though I stopped 1 week ago, nothing will stop this stuff. So, what the gear couldnt do, the clomid did. For those of you that dont' know what to expect.................(everyone, of course is different but................). One positive, I have lost no strength and only about 25% of the weight. The weight loss doesnt really show in size though. Good luck.

Dbell said:
About three weeks ago, I finished a 10 week cycle (Test, Deca, Db). I had no significant side affects except for a greatly elevated cholesterol and higher resting pulse rate. No acne or mood swings. After one week of the clomid (100mgs; 50am, 50pm), I broke out with the worste case of Acne I have ever seen much less had. Fortunately the stuff seems confined to my back and chest but it is all over the freeking place and so far, even though I stopped 1 week ago, nothing will stop this stuff. So, what the gear couldnt do, the clomid did. For those of you that dont' know what to expect.................(everyone, of course is different but................). One positive, I have lost no strength and only about 25% of the weight. The weight loss doesnt really show in size though. Good luck.


I know exactly what you 're saying! I will not touch that shit again no matter what. It's bad enough it makes me a crybaby bitch! if I'm not bitching I'm whining! But the acne blows away anything I've ever experienced from any juice.
I've tolerated using that shit several times but never again!!!It's been a good 4 years since I've touched that trash:crying: :headshot: :destroy: :noway: :nonono2: :ugh: :wallbash:
Well im not sure how the clomid could cause it pimples take 6-8 weeks to form they were prolly all there just not popin out yet.

Ide say itll prolly go away on its own but you could start some b5 10g a day you got to work up to that dose. If your interested
its been workin pretty good on me and ive tried pretty much everything except acutane.
Will the Nolvedex restart my system (I was under the impression it was just an anti est)?

Dbell said:
Will the Nolvedex restart my system (I was under the impression it was just an anti est)?

No, it's not just an anti-e. You can use it for post cycle therapy (pct) also, if you have access to HCG that'll help a lot too, just make sure you find out how to take it and what dosages to take it at.
I have used th B-5 as well and am finally seeing some major improvement, 10grams a day is alot of pills but worth it, the stuff is dirt cheap 5 bottles of 500mg stuff for $25.00 well worht it.
I will never touch clomid again. I got some of the worse acne I had ever seen one anyone. The moodswings were not there but skin was horrible.
You would have got the acne whether you used Clomid or not, it's from the change in your hormonal system. During a cycle, I don't break out at all, but about 4-6 weeks after...acne becomes a problem and it doesn't matter whether I use Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) or nothing.
Correct. The clomid is not the cause. It is the residual testos and conversion to DHT--the hormonal "rebound" if you will. Adequate, immediate recovery with HCG/Nolvadex will prevent this in the future..not to mention using reasonable doses of testos.
I cant stand when people blame their acne on clomid. No offense please, but anything that changes your hormonal system is going to cause that.
I never got nightmares just wet dreams.... ha ha I was like a teenager, but too bad I never had wet dreams as a teen
I'm going to have to totally and respectfully disagree! I do not care if it's a direct or indirect cause! I have used it extensively. While on as an estor blocker(antagonist) as well as keeping up teticular siize;as well as post with several differnet methods .
No offense but it offends me when someone tells me it has no effect frotobaggins! I live in this body and I'm not anything close to new with any of this,though still always learning.
Close to the 7 year mark of roid use has caused much learning through trial & error.
It doesn't matter whether of not I've done everything exactly right and it is said I could of somehow avoided the horrendous acne. I've used it enough and enough different ways for that to not even matter.
Since I live in this body I have made myself learn a gret deal about why and what does what.
I have never had acne to any degree even close to when I used clomid during or after and the blood tests didn't show any huge hormonal rebound from using clomid pc ,so stick 1000 titles by your name and post a million medical abstracts! I will never use that shit again! :)
Not really. I have heard (and by heard, I mean just that, I have no facts), that antibiotics should not be taken during a cycle (cycle meaning actual cycle and pct). Thoughts??

A couple of things..

First of all, pimples don't take 6-8 weeks to develop . That's ridiculous. If I eat chocolate today, I'll have zits tomorrow.

DrDM. What you're suggesting is essentially extending the cycle. I see HCG as a buffer, not a cure. Are you also recomending continuing test? When does the recovery start?

This is the problem with a lot of guys. The only time they feel normal is when they're back on, but don't admit they're "back on." It's always: "Yeah, Im just doing a d-bol bridge, or a little var, or a little test or some proviron". If you do that, YOU'RE ON!

Anti-biotics to fight acne is a bad idea and especially bad during a cycle since they strain the liver.

Clomid sucks ass! You want an anti-e? Use A-dex. You want to get your balls back? Use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). You want to prevent shut down? Keep your dosages and duration sane. You want to clean your liver, increase free testosterone and keep your dick working while you're recovering? Use Unleashed and Post-Cycle from Protein Factory.

Train hard. Get plenty of rest. And that's it. Everyone has got to stop kidding themselves that there is a guarenteed way to use as much drugs as they want and not suffer the consequences.
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