Clomid or HCG

Everyone has differtn dosing on HCG and you all seem to know your stuff so I won't dis credit anyone. However a Dr. told me years ago when I was doing stuff to do 1,000 IU Daily for 5 days that's it. I never thought of doing it during but it seems to make sense now and this was mistake. However some of you say don't go over 250IU and others say do 1,000 IU and some say 500IU twice a week. I guess in anything everyone will have his/her opinons on things.
If the nads are shrunken to nothing though then hCG is the fastest thing to bring them back. Until you start producing your own 'filler' stop unloading your sack, and then continue with whatever post cycle therapy (pct) drugs you prefer.

I myself hate clomid, it fucks my mood and sends my lifts into the gutter. Nolvadex is much prefered for me.
You have a hard time lifting on Clomid? I have only used HCG in the past and worked great I agree quickly also.
I dont have a hard time lifting, I simply do not recover well on it. hCG is to bring your lagging balls up to speed, it is not to get your own hormones back on line in the same ways that clomid or nolvadex is.

But clomid or nolvadex in my experience are slow as hell, basically worthless, for direct testes stimulation if you are emptied out.

hCG is used on cycle to avoid this problem, its not a post cycle drug. Get the workers back in the factory, and then bring in new management (clomid and/or nolvadex).
They will come back during post cycle therapy (pct) with use of clomid, nolvadex and/or an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). HCG during a cycle will help prevent the atrophy in the first place so you don't have to play catch up but using it during post cycle therapy (pct) simply to help them regain their size quicker won't benefit the recovery of your natural testosterone production.