
Not sure about Genx, but if you check on some of the research sponsors here they come well regarded -Osta has good reviews.
You can use this product to help your research subject/hamster to PCT.
I currently have a squirrel
View attachment 540516
What PCT do you have planned?
If you have a 50mg/day PCT planned then yes you would
take 1ml/day
This sounds like your first cycle?
What is you cycle and PCT plan?
Age, stats?
i just stopped beastdrol its my 13th day i stopped last night cuz its making me feel really shitty this is my 3rd cycle and realize im only going to do test cycles oral steroids are really shitty. SOO im doing a 50/50/50 clomid pct cycle and maybe throw in some P6 test booster week 3 ?
I don't know enough about orals to contribute,
Normal run for clomid is usually 4 week, most guys also add Novla(tamox) in as well 40/40/20/20
2 weeks sounds kinda short, but like I said I don't know enough about the orals to indicate otherwise.
Run the Clomid for 4 weeks at 50mg day,
Like i said I would also get some Novla and run 40/40/20/20
Seriously dude, your running beastrol and you don't even know whats required for a PCT.
You said this is your 3rd cycle!!!
I'm done maybe someone else will chime in, and give you a hand
First of all you need to research PCT
Also understand what the beastdrol does to you its a pretty harsh oral.
PCT= Post cycle Therapy - translation helps your Balls recover
Some guys run clomid only for PCT and other use different SERMS(Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator)
The Base that most will recommend is Clomid and Novla to help your NUTZ recover. and a min of 4 week PCT
Clomid 50mg/day for 4 weeks
Novla 40/40/20/20
Not sure about Genx, but if you check on some of the research sponsors here they come well regarded -Osta has good reviews.
You can use this product to help your research subject/hamster to PCT.
I currently have a squirrel
View attachment 540516

LOL we have the baddest research animals out of any site!!