Coming back to the scene again... (1st time Tren)


New member
Unfortunately, I've had some time off from the gym because of the confusion of my job relocation & moving, then I got sick, then hospitalized and forced into surgery. I can't lift for another 3 weeks as per doctors orders. I've lost 12 lbs from lack of eating and lifting, but I'm not too worried about it because I know that will all return when I'm back in the gym--good ole' muscle memory.

Anyway, I plan on lifting and eating until I am back up to weight. In the mean time, I'd like to build my next cycle and consider using Tren for the first time. I've always stayed away from it because of the aggression usually associated with it and I am easily irritated naturally. I always lived with someone before and was afraid of biting their heads off, but now I am all alone and feel now is the best time to experiment with it.

I am looking into Tren Ace and Test Prop because of their speedy results, but have used neither. What other short acting steroids should I couple with this cycle? I am interested in short cycles 6-8 weeks at a time. I've found that Anything past 8 weeks for me is just a waste of gear. I prefer the lean cut look, so I've been considering adding Masteron or Wintrol. Any other ideas?

How is the pain level of Tren and Test Prop compared to Sustanon? I have experience with Sustanon (sust) and even have 10ml on-hand if anyone thinks that's a good choice? If the pain level is high, what can be used to cut it up. Previously, I had used Deca to do this, but prefer not to add it this time because of it's libido sides and because it is better for long cycles anyway.
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Niclipse said:
What other short acting steroids should I couple with this cycle? I am interested in short cycles 6-8 weeks at a time. I've found that Anything past 8 weeks for me is just a waste of gear. I prefer the lean cut look, so I've been considering adding Masteron or Wintrol. Any other ideas?

What's your cycle experience? I see no reason to run anything more than Test/Tren/Winny or Masteron. Also, why do you find longer cycles a waste?

Niclipse said:
How is the pain level of Tren and Test Prop compared to Sustanon? I have experience with Sustanon (sust) and even have 10ml on-hand if anyone thinks that's a good choice?

I can't speak about the tren, but I'm inject 2cc of Test Prop EOD right now and it's less painful then Cypionate. I love it.
outlawtas2 said:
What's your cycle experience? I see no reason to run anything more than Test/Tren/Winny or Masteron. Also, why do you find longer cycles a waste?

My last cycle is in my signature. I've done probably 5 cycles, by far my last cycle was the one with the best results. I wish all of my cycles had been like that. Prior to that, I had done big bloat cycles that just aren't appealing to me. My previous cycle had me very cut and very lean.

I have noticed in my body that anything after 8-10 weeks is a waste of gear because I just keep injecting and prolonging the effects, but not making any weight gains and/or very mild strength gains. I've been told to boost my caloric intake at this point, but that becomes pretty difficult when your goal is staying lean. For those that choose this route, you now have to eat clean cals, but more mass/calorie has to be ingested than a typical bulk diet.

outlawtas2 said:
I can't speak about the tren, but I'm inject 2cc of Test Prop EOD right now and it's less painful then Cypionate. I love it.

I've heard cypionate is a bitch. Glad to hear that at least.
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Test prop 1-8 100mg eod Winstrol (winny) 1-8 50mged or test prop 1-8 100mg eod anavar 1-8 40-50mg ed.Two badass cycles for cutting
Anavar is harder for me to come by, but I do like it.

Typical tren dose is 75mg EOD correct? I think Tren Ace, Test Prop, Winstrol (winny) & Masteron will be a BADASS cycle.
I think that especially if you are patient and don't jump the gun on starting your cycle you'd do really well on test / tren. Having used them both with and without masteron, I know that for me, adding the masteron would make it even better. Having said that, the masteron is really just icing on the cake, you don't need it to have a great cycle for your purposes. I haven't used winstrol for several years because it wrecks my blood lipids and I already seem to go from one injury to the next.

Some of your Sustanon (sust) could be used to start your cycle if you are really itching to get rid of it, but test prop and tren acetate have similar half lives so they go hand in hand.

As far as pain from prop, in my experience prop at 100 mgs. per ml. is slightly less painful than sustenon - which means its no major issue. I wouldn't use prop that is more concentrated than 100 mgs. per ml.

75 mgs. eod of tren is a reasonable dose to test the waters with. Tren does make me edgy so I think that dose makes sense for you.