coming off a 11 month cycle and i need help

well man.. sounds like ur guy really shafted u.. i stay on year round bcz.i co.pete and already have two kids.. but as far as u.. i would have started blasting.with hcg during.cycle.. try hcg.. and nolva "only if the tren cleared ur.system" but start the clomid a.s.a.p id run prami too.. to.prevent a tren rebound of gyno so.u dont lactaid.. take that at night.time.. it.will.put.u sleep.. and will also raise gh levels while sleeping

Yo, do you think if I stayed on a light dosage of Test E Like 250mgs a week or less for 11 months I can get somewhat of a decent recovery??
Yo, do you think if I stayed on a light dosage of Test E Like 250mgs a week or less for 11 months I can get somewhat of a decent recovery??

lol yeah totally dude! low dose test e doesn't suppress the axis at all! (little known fact)
lol yeah totally dude! low dose test e doesn't suppress the axis at all! (little known fact)

Oh snap really? Thats sweet. I can stay on for as long as I want. I never knew that.

No dude I was talking about Recovering after Hardcore PCT, and I mean Hardcore. Will I recover to at lease like 336ng/dl or something while I wait a couple months for it to get back to 560 or something.
What do you guys think about just cruising on a low dose of test year round and do 12 week blast with high doses of test and adding in other compounds? Basically a blas and cruise right? How common do guys do this and how safe is it?
What do you guys think about just cruising on a low dose of test year round and do 12 week blast with high doses of test and adding in other compounds? Basically a blas and cruise right? How common do guys do this and how safe is it?

Blasting and crusing is quite common, I myself do it although I am on TRT running a slightly higher than TRT dose for a cruise dose. The real risk your taking with blasting and crusing IMHO is suppressing your natural endogenous production, the logner your on the harder it will be plus you need to be getting blood work often. Do a search, you'll find plenty of info.

Anyway back to the OP, I would look into toremifene instead of clomid/nolva... Have only read positive reports about it. If I was you I would lower the dose to test only, at a TRT dose for a month to let everything come back to normal and during that time do a HCG blast to get your nuts functioniong, then do a PCT.