Coming off of steroids


New member
I just finished reading this article from Anabolic Review, and I wanted to share it with everybody just in case some bros had not yet seen it. There have been alot of posts lately about post cycle therapy (pct), and I thought this might give some good insight on coming off a cycle intelligently.

The only thing I am still confused about is the use of clen PC to bind to cortisol receptors to aid in anti-catabolism. The article states that it does work well, yet alot of bros are still skeptical. I'm thinking of trying it since I never have- who knows, it may work well. The other thing stated in the article is decreasing calories but keeping protein high- I thought this was a big should keep calories up to support your new weight. Anyway, here it is- let's hear your thoughts!

Avoid an abrupt discontinuance of all steroids at the same time because the body would enter an immediate catabolic phase. The cortisone receptors will be free and in combination with the low testosterone and androgen levels a considerable loss of strength and mass, and an increase of fat and water, and often gynecomastia will occur. Gynecomastia is possible because the suddenly low androgen level shifts the relationship in favor of the estrogens which suddenly become the domineering hormone. Especially eye-catching is also the extreme listlessness to training or sex and a generally weak state of mind of several athletes. If not forced because of medical reasons never discontinue steroids "cold turkey"

If the athlete does not yet take antiestrogens he should begin their intake during the last weeks before ending the steroid regime. Athletes who already take antiestrogens the weeks before should continue to do so over the described interval. A daily combination of 20 mg Nolvadex and 25 mg Proviron is usually sufficient for this purpose. This avoids an estrogen surplus, an important factor, which also must be considered when in the following testosterone stimulants such as HCG are taken since HCG often also increases the estrogen level. Since the androgenic effect of Proviron also promotes the increase of the androgen level the androgen/estrogen ratio is further shifted in favor of the androgens. The possibility of a rebound effect after the discontinuance of the antiestrogen combination is considerably reduced by Proviron.

In order to increase the body's own testosterone production the athlete, on one hand, takes HCG which directly and quickly stimulates the Leydig's cells in the testes and, on the other hand, takes Clomid which promotes the complete hypothalamohypophysial testicular axis, however, it needs a longer start-up phase. The administration of HCG begins during the last week of discontinuance. The athlete injects three times 5000 i.u. in a three-day interval. Following, three more injections of 5000 i.u. are injected every five days. After the third HCG injection the intake of Clomid begins since its gonadotropin-stimulating effect in the event of an already activated increased testicular activity is more effective. Clomid is now taken over two weeks, two tablets of 50 mg each per day in the first week and 50 mg tablets per day in the second week. Point 5 obviously does not apply to women.

All this, however, helps only if the athlete is able to mostly block out the catabolic effect of the increased cortisone level. A compound which, because of its distinct anticatabolic effect, fulfills this requirement is the beta-2 sympathomimetic, Clenbuterol. Clenbuterol successfully blocks the cortisone receptors so that the athlete is usually able to maintain a large portion of the strength and muscle mass built up by the steroids. The intake of Clenbuterol begins directly at the end of the steroid therapy and continues over 8-10 weeks (see also Clenbuterol). Another compound of the group of sympaticomimetics which also has an anticatabolic effect (but less pronounced than Clenbuterol) is Ephedrine. Probably the most suitable drug in this situation is a preparation which in school medicine is used in the treatment of the Cushing's syndrome, a hyperfunction of the adrenal glands which causes the body to produce too much cortisone. Those who have read this book carefully will know which drug is meant: Cytadren. Since it reduces the cortisone level extremely well athletes usually take it directly after completion of a steroid treatment (see also Cytadren). Several athletes take thyroid hormones in this phase since they have an anabolic effect when taken in small dosages and for not excessively long intake intervals. Their effect can be clearly increased by the anticatabolic effect of Clenbuterol which explains why this combination is used during the phase of discontinuance. The use of growth hormone also makes sense since it has a strong anticatabolic/anabolic effect. You can forget Ornithin and Arginin which supposedly increase the realising of GH, because they are ineffective. Distance yourself from the thought that pharmaceutically improved muscle mass can be maintained with "natural methods."

Adjust your nutrition according to the new situation. After discontinuance of the steroid intake the metabolism will go back to normal. This means that the athlete should reduce his daily caloric intake over the course of several days by 25-30%. The protein supply, however, should still be relatively high at 1- 1.5 g of protein per pound of bodyweight per day.

Reduce your workout schedule. Avoid maintaining the same workout program as during steroid regime since this would only magnify the catabolic effect. The athlete should not come up with the crazy idea of compensating a possible loss of performance by increasing the extent and intensity of his workout since such an action would have a negative effect. Limit yourself to your basic exercises, train every muscle once a week, and try to maintain your strength as much as possible. Do not train more than four times a week and limit the workout sessions to 60 minutes. Several so called "experts" are of the opinion that the athlete after a steroid regime should avoid the heavy basic movements for some time and suggest that exercises are carried out more frequently with lower weights. Dear Reader, try it. Those who used to make 8 repetitions of squats with 400 pounds and now switch to leg extensions or leg presses with 12-15 repetitions will wonder how fast an upper thigh can lose size.

Don't come off the juce, just do 1000mg of test a week. Your girlfriend will love you for it!!! and so will your body!!!
Clen for 8-10 weeks? I thought clen losses effectiveness due to receptor saturation after only 2-3 weeks.

Thyroid hormone anticatabolic?? I thought thyroid howmone was very catabolic.
I personally use (ip)super clen when coming off .... btw it's the ONLY IP shit I would use.

I take a half tab before bed .... because it has ketotifen(sp?) which makes you sleepy .... and I feel this helps ENORMOUSLY post cycle. I noticed a big difference when I didn't use it.

I personaly will never come off cycle without using clen.

PS ... super clen is dosed something like 50mcg .... which is way higher than any regular clen .... so that may have something to do with it.
jediclampet said:
What was the difference you noticed bro?

After my second cycle, I decided I didn't need clen post-cycle. I lost more mass that time, then the cycle previous and cycles after that. I just feel like it really helped me from being in a catabolic state post-cycle.

Plus the stuff is pretty cheap and I want all the help I can get post-cycle.

But .... it could be like anything else ..... works good for some and possibly not so goood for others.
In regards to the t3, I would only use about 12.5 mcg as it helps increase protein synthesis...I think when you start getting higher on it is when it becomes catabolic. Also, I would definitely be on the 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off routine for clen. not 8-10 straight...

just do 1000mg per week

Hey Tooman that sounds interesting. I hate coming off. I am 47 so child production no longer matters to me, How long have you been on this dose and do you think it has caused gains or had it been detrimental? How long do you think you can stay on like this? I hear of lots of really big guys who use this approach and look great.