Coming off tren ace and first time using masteron

Tren is overrated as far as strength goes I think halo is where it's at but we'll see. I also heard npp (no penis please) was good too but tren kills my appetite, cardio and sleep so I'm leaving it alone while training hell maybe forever lol that's what I always say then I start using again.
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Probably 200mg Ed I'm around 5'7 235 240ish I'm actually trying lean up as much as possible which is why I shouldn't touch deca although a low dose of 250per week for joints should be OK but we'll see.
I have had better tren experience when I ran test p 100 tren a 50 but I couldn't this time because that were in the same vial***128544;
Good thread so far!
Thanks onk and Ben for the replies. Really clarified some basic approaches to the AAS game!