Onk can you please expand on the last sentence?
Just to clarify..... run your test and switch between primo and deca and use var when on primo? Or do you mean run test primo and deca together and the var?
Sure, no problem.
Aside from tren, which is hands down the best mass builder, there's only a few key compounds you can use to build mass.
Some of them are orals you need to switch in and out of, because they can only be used temporarily, such as dbol, drol, sdrol and halo. I've used all and without a doubt sdrol wins in my book, though dbol is 2nd, I just hate to up my AI and run nolva with it....to be sure I never get close to gyno.
Whereas, the injectable mass builders (still excluding tren here), can be ran for a much longer period of time. Deca and primo are two that can be run for a good 20 weeks easily with no real issues. I would include EQ in that list, if I thought it was worth it...however I don't like EQ. Last time I ran it at 1.2g for 20 weeks and feel I would've gotten more out of 800mg deca/wk.
Var as well, good for strength and as a DHT works well with the likes of deca, and can be run for 8 weeks which is a decent period for a strength drug that also helps with some cutting effects.
As for your last question, I see it as being quite normal to run primo and deca together (19-nor + DHT = good times), however you'll be pinning a lot of product. Primo I'd go for a good 750-900mg/wk - so that's 5-6ml right there - plus deca at 800, that's another 3-4ml depending on your concentration. That's 10ml + your test! Seems too much to me.
So what I'd do is run primo and test both at 1g each, then drop me test back to cruise at 250mg/wk and then run deca at 1g, run 15 weeks of each (30 weeks total) and then I have 12 weeks where I'm cutting again for my next lot of contests. Year complete