competing in my first physique show tomorrow! (pic)

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if i remember correctly, oldmusclemike has bipolar disorder so he is taking drugs. memory problems is side effect of antipsychotics.

My bi-polar meds do not affect my memory. I've had a career that you only dream you can reach in your future. Seems you are showing your lack of maturity by your simple minded comment.

I might add you have been involved in this thread from the beginning and you never had the recall. So don't piggyback another's and try to take credit, kid. Unfortunately I won't be around to see how you hold up when you are 65yrs. Pray that you can keep up with where I've been and the things I done.

One point is you have no experience on here and do not know me at all except for a few posts. But that's all I'll come back with, I certainly do not have to prove myself to you or anyone.

Whhya, this is not the first time you have disrespected people on this thread as you were corrected by TooTuff. People who disrespect others / vets etc... on here and more importantly interject trash, hurtful and bad advice do not stay long. So it's good to check yourself from post to post, kiddo. FYI: I have no hand in that process.

Ziegler, thanks for the info.. :)
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if i remember correctly, oldmusclemike has bipolar disorder so he is taking drugs. memory problems is side effect of antipsychotics.

U stupid little f k n troll if u do not think I know who the hell u are delusional to a clinical degree.

U EVER pop off to a vet like that about something like that u and ur IP addy and every attempt to get back made to haunt these hall s of learning will crusked or brushed aside like a piece of lint or a bottle cap.

Apologize now.
Tighten the --ck up.

OP---u know your real close to giving to giving me a rash too w ur own little brand of dumb blonde b/s cept there no blondes within 2 time zones of your IP address.

I m gonna end this here and now.

U both have been told. Keep it polite, relevant and semi intelligent with reference to asking for and giving advice. ( God I miss my job.... I just wish we in an elevator having this talk...both you.)
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