Competition Dec 3.


New member
I will be competing at the Excalibur in LA December 4th. I'm going to document
my own contest prep with pics along way.
Questions, comments, and/or advice about diet, training, AAS are welcome. Thanks for

Current stats 4 months out are
5'9 - 200lbs at about 8-10 percent BF.
I eat 4000-4500 cal per day for the next 3 months.

-currently running

500mg test cyp EW
150mg of Tren a EOD
100 mg of Winstrol (winny) E0D
75mg of test suspension ED.
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+1^^ imo I think you should drop your cal,Intake right about 3 week's before your competition, sacrifice diet, 400 grams of chicken,just put the chicken In a microwave and dry it out, with a glass of water just moist it, so that you can swallow it down your pipe,lol.I know this for my self cause I competed one time long ago at 190 pounds here In miami with friend of mine, a 50 year old dude that looked like a monster," veins poping all over his body", muscle well define, the 50 year old dude had about 5% body fat 200pounds and he helped me out, and I fallowed his routine,we train twice a day,we ran AM on an empty stomach to burn the fat from the night before and we would run PM an hour after last meal, for about 6 days a week, ooh the meal Included brocoli just a hand full on each meal, a gallon of water everyday,.your going to have to drop a some weight to bring down the fat %.

test suspention 100 mg ed
drol 50 mg ed
any type A'I ed
much same as your's
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Thanks for the input Pinga, calories
(not protein) will be dropped accordingly for the last month depending on dialed I am. I like your idea about the chicken.
I'll be in the middleweights at a dry 176 this time.
nice!jmb i wish the best for you,your a good dude that is very knowledgeable at bb/diet and training so im sure you will do great.
Cant wait to see the final results
Thanks Drew. I respect your opinion as well, and thanks for reaching out bro.
I'll put some pics up closer to the show. Thanks again!
Why even run the Test Cyp if you are running that much Suspension?

Maybe I missed something but aren't most pre-contest diets like 12-16 weeks long?
Good point is sounds like alot..
The suspension and cyp add up to about
a gram per week. I like this dose.
Anything more though and sides start to manifest.
To answer your question, the "normal" prep time in the past has been about 12 weeks for me.
I'm not starting this far out to play catch up. Instead i have the time and resources to be dialed and fall into the top of my weight class.

Why even run the Test Cyp if you are running that much Suspension?

Maybe I missed something but aren't most pre-contest diets like 12-16 weeks long?
jmb hows the prep coming?
I felt like i was maybe peaking a bit to soon so im doing the show on Oct.2 and the 30th here in jersey.Things are coming along nicely starting to really anticipate getting up on stage,im in my final weeks now so Ill be updating my pics soon.
Good luck to you bro
I'm following as well. Yes, can you please put at least one pic of what you look like right now so we can follow your progress throughout the whole transformation???

Thanks for encouragement everyone. These pics are taken on my phone = shit.
I apologize for the quality.
Here is me before I started my cycle(190lbs), and other is fairly recent (202lbs).
Better pics to come. Thanks again
Thanks bro. My exact goal.. weigh in
at a peeled 176lbs contest time.

Second pic looks good, have you ever competed before though? You have plenty of time to work on your physique, but you also have plenty to work on. Also, how did you determine your bf?