Complete Newb to Brewing Gear, Need Help Please


New member
Yeah, I am a complete newb when it comes to making my own gear, but I would like to get into it. I apologize if this is posted in the wrong section, but I was wondering where I can find some step by step instructions on how to make my own gear, both oral and injectable. Also where are some good places to order the base ingredients?

I really appreciate the help, again if this is posted in the wrong section I apologize.

Let me get this straight. You have one post and your asking for sources and a step by step guide on making a Schedule III Controlled Substance?
yeah i have only one post, and yes I am trying to find out how the processes of making gear works. This entire forum is loaded with recipes for gear and I am just trying to find out how the process works, for both oral and injectables. Also what is a reputable pharmaceutical company to get the raw ingredients from?
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Google: "Homebrew (insert compound interested in)"

No one is going to answer the latter because you are too new here. Stick around long enough and you will pick up on things. Good luck Bro.